Large Scale Invasion Of New Species And Of Genetic Information
The spatial dynamics of the invasion of new species and genetic dispersal is studied under the presumption of rising temperature by using a coherent approach of coupled partial differential equations of the reaction diffusion type. The nonlinear reaction terms model the population dynamics, genetic exchange and competition. Temperature reaction norms of reproduction rates are conferred by a two allele system. The resulting non-linear initial boundary value problems are solved over geometries of heterogeneous landscapes. Geo-referenced model parameters, namely mean temperature, elevation, habitat suitability and land use, are imported into COMSOL Multiphysics from a geographical information system. The model is applied to the invasion of species at the scale of southern Germany. The nonlinearities of the interaction terms give rise to a richness of spatiotemporal dynamic patterns. Here we show how invasion processes in form of travelling waves are triggered by a temperature rise.

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