COMSOL Multiphysics and The Library of Babel
William T. Vetterling, Ph.D., is a Research Fellow of ZINK Imaging, Inc. and manager of its Image Science Laboratory in Bedford, Massachusetts. He received his Ph.D. in condensed-matter physics from Harvard University, and joined the Harvard faculty in 1976. In 1984 he began working with Polaroid Corporation, where he remained for over 20 years performing research and modeling studies of imaging systems, including CCD, CID and CMOS imagers, photodiodes, color liquid-crystal displays, solid state lasers and several novel printing technologies. Since 2005, he has been collaborating in the development of a new color thermal-imaging process known as ZINK. In addition to his work in experimental physics and computer modeling, Dr. Vetterling is co-author of the Numerical Recipes series of books and software. He has published over 60 scientific articles and books, and has 30 U.S. patents.

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