Acoustic superscatterers for passive noise control
This poster presents a passive noise control of sound emananted from a vibrating cylinder using acoustic superscatterers. Acoustic superscatterer is a type of metamaterial whose scattering cross-section is larger than its real size. Numerical studies are conducted using pressure acoustics module of COMSOL. Using coordinate transformation method, the anisotropic material indices of the acoustic superscatterer are derived and substituted in the COMSOL model. When the superscatterer is placed in the vicinity of the vibrating cylinder, the far-field radiated noise is attenuated considerably. This effect is much pronounced when the source lies within the enhanced boundary of the acoustic superscatterer due to the interaction between this boundary and the wavefield originating from the source. An analytical framework for this phenomenon is also derived which is cross verified against the COMSOL numerical simulation. We envisage that this technique of noise control will be useful in more strategic underwater applications such as reduction of radiated sound from a submersible.

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