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This example models heat generation in a beam-like structure subjected to small amplitude vibrations. The model computes the linear elastic response in the frequency domain. The transient heat-transfer analysis simulates the slow-rising temperature in the beam using the heat generated ... Mehr lesen
Roll forming processes are widely used in metal processing, battery electrode production and manufacturing processes. The model demonstrates the process of roll forming, where a workpiece is pressed after passing through a pair of rollers. The workpiece is carried between rollers by ... Mehr lesen
Trusses are commonly used to create light structures that can support heavy loads. When designing such a structure, it is important to ensure its safety. For a tower made of bars, buckling can cause the structure to collapse. This model shows how to compute the critical buckling load ... Mehr lesen
In this verification example, forced random vibrations of a simply-supported deep beam are studied. The beam is loaded by a distributed force with a uniform power spectral density (PSD). The output PSD is computed for the displacement and bending stress response. The computed values are ... Mehr lesen
Sensitivity analysis is an efficient way of computing the gradient of an objective function with respect to many control variables. This example uses the pitch and yaw in the top of a truss tower as objective functions. It shows how to compute the sensitivity of these angles with respect ... Mehr lesen
This example reproduces a NAFEMS benchmark in which a plate with an angle crack is subjected to tensile loading. The J-integral is calculated and the stress intensity factors for Mode I and Mode II are compared to the benchmark results for several crack angles. Mehr lesen
This is a benchmark model for a plane stress problem. The accuracy of the computed stress concentration is evaluated, and a mesh convergence study is performed for different element types. Mehr lesen
Many piezoelectric materials are ferroelectric. Ferroelectric materials exhibit nonlinear polarization behavior, such as hysteresis and saturation at large applied electric fields. In addition, the polarization and mechanical deformations in such materials can be strongly coupled due to ... Mehr lesen
The model studied is a benchmark for a hinged cylindrical panel subjected to a point load at its center. A linear buckling analysis predicts the critical buckling load. Such an analysis will however not give any information about what happens at loads higher than the critical load. ... Mehr lesen
A square airbag is inflated using constant air pressure. In some regions of the airbag the material wrinkles during inflation, as negative principal stresses develop. The wrinkling membrane model within the tension field theory gives a correct description of the stress distribution and ... Mehr lesen