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A classic way of estimating pi is by using the Monte Carlo method. This involves randomly placing points inside a square and counting how many lie within a circle inscribed in the square. The ratio of points inside the circle to the number of points in total can be used to approximate ... Mehr lesen
This model computes the trajectory of an ion in a uniform magnetic field using the Newtonian, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations available in the Mathematical Particle Tracing interface. Mehr lesen
For more than 50 years, it has been known that neutrally buoyant particles in a flow channel tend to converge to specific locations in the channel cross section. For a cylindrical pipe, or two parallel planes carrying a Poiseuille flow, the equilibrium position is about 0.6 times the ... Mehr lesen
A charge exchange cell consists of a region of gas at an elevated pressure within a vacuum chamber. When an ion beam interacts with the higher-density gas, the ions undergo charge exchange reactions with the gas which then create energetic neutral particles. It is likely that only a ... Mehr lesen
The drift velocity of Ar+ is calculated using a Monte Carlo simulation in which the elastic collisions of Argon ions with ambient neutrals are explicitly modeled. The model uses energy-dependent collision cross-section data from experiment. The average ion velocity values are consistent ... Mehr lesen
The graviational three body problem involves the calculation of the positions and velocities of three objects under mutual gravitational attraction, given their position and velocity at some initial time. While the three-body problem does not have a general analytic solution and is ... Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates the use of optical tracing for studying optically large gradient-index structures with anisotropic optical properties. Additionally, the model introduces a smoothing technique for handling discontinuities of refractive index on curved surfaces, which are typical ... Mehr lesen
Optoakustophorese ist ein Begriff, der das Zusammenspiel zwischen Akustik und optischen Feldern beschreibt. In den meisten Fällen (so auch in diesem) erwärmt das optische Feld das Material und beeinflusst somit das akustische Feld. In diesem Beispiel einer akustischen Falle wird eine ... Mehr lesen
The Monte Carlo simulation of flow in a turbomolecular pump can be greatly simplified if the mean radius of the blades is much greater than the spacing between them. Under these conditions, the rotating blades of the pump can be approximated as an infinite row of blades having only ... Mehr lesen
A tubular centrifuge is a type of centrifugal separation device that is often used for separation of very fine solid particles from a liquid. It can be run in both a continuous and batch type configurations. The device usually consists of a cylindrical rotating bowl with a large aspect ... Mehr lesen