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Die Dielektrophorese (DEP) tritt auf, wenn eine Kraft auf ein dielektrisches Teilchen ausgeübt wird, während es einem ungleichmäßigen elektrischen Feld ausgesetzt ist. DEP hat viele Anwendungen im Bereich der biomedizinischen Geräte, die für Biosensoren, Diagnostik, Partikelmanipulation ... Mehr lesen
An ultrasonic standing wave levitator, also called acoustic levitator, is a device used for levitating fluid and solid particles in an acoustic field. The standing acoustic waves exert an acoustic radiation force on the particles. The force is a second order effect and stems from a ... Mehr lesen
In static mixers, also called motionless or in-line mixers, a fluid is pumped through a pipe containing stationary blades. This mixing technique is particularly well suited for laminar flow mixing because it generates only small pressure losses in this flow regime. This example studies ... Mehr lesen
The Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow interface is used to compute the erosion of a pipe bend. The amount of material lost is computed using different erosion models. Mehr lesen
A scanning electron microscope samples images by scanning a target with a high-energy beam of electrons. The subsequent electron interactions produce signals such as secondary and back-scattered electrons that contain information about the sample surface topography. Electromagnetic ... Mehr lesen
This example considers the natural convection of air above a smoldering incense stick. This kind of flow often shows a transition from laminar to turbulent which is nicely visualized by the smoke produced by the slow burning of the incense. The model uses the Nonisothermal Flow, LES RBVM ... Mehr lesen
Micromixers can either be static or dynamic depending on the required mixing time and length scale. For static mixers, the Reynolds number has to be suitable high to induce turbulence enhanced mixing. Often micromixers operate in the laminar flow regime due to their small characteristic ... Mehr lesen
An Einzel lens is an electrostatic device used for focusing charged particle beams. It may be found in cathode ray tubes, ion beam and electron beam experiments, and ion propulsion systems. This particular model consists of three axially aligned cylinders. The outer cylinders are ... Mehr lesen
The principle component of a quadrupole mass spectrometer is the mass filter which is used to filter ions with different charge to mass ratios. The quadrupole mass filter has been well studied over the years, Ref. 1 and the physics and optimal design are well understood. In a real ... Mehr lesen
Dies ist ein 3D-Modell einer akustischen Falle in einer Glaskapillare, die durch einen piezoelektrischen Wandler betrieben wird. Das System wird durch ein oszillierendes elektrisches Potential über den piezoelektrischen Wandler angetrieben, das mechanische Schwingungen im Festkörper und ... Mehr lesen