Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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In mode analysis it is usually the primary goal to find a propagation constant. This quantity is often, but not always, real valued; if the analysis involves some lossy part, such as a nonzero conductivity or an open boundary, the eigenvalue is complex. In such situations, the real and ... Mehr lesen
A common verification problem for geotechnical problems is a shallow stratum layer of clay. In this example a vertical load is applied on the clay strata and the static response and the collapse load are studied. The clay is modeled as an elastic-perfectly plastic material and the ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial introduces a workflow typical of creating geometry for simulation by using Sketch mode to draw complex shapes. Follow the step-by-step instructions to draw the geometry for the analysis of a light bulb. The physics setup is described in the model Free Convection in a Light ... Mehr lesen
As integrated circuit (IC) technology advances, with circuits becoming more powerful and compact, it is increasingly important to identify and prevent any cause of circuit failure. One particularly critical factor contributing to circuit failure is electromigration within the ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial model illustrates how to calculate the pressure drop and initial flow rate in a pipe system connected to water tank. The Pipe Flow interface contains ready to use friction models accounting for the surface roughness of pipes as well as pressure losses in bends and valves. Mehr lesen
A spiral slot antenna provides a conformal design and can be used for communication, sensing, tracking, positioning, and many applications in different microwave frequency bands due to its wide-band frequency response. This model shows how to build a spiral geometry using parametric ... Mehr lesen
In this example, the Extended Barcelona Basic Model (BBMx) is used to model oedometer, uniaxial swelling, triaxial, and constrained swelling tests on bentonite clays in order to recover the hydromechanical characteristics of the soil samples. There is a good qualitative agreement ... Mehr lesen
This example simulates the insertion of a snap hook in its groove. Fasteners like this are common in the automotive industry, for example, in the control panel of a car. In this case it is important to know the force that must be applied in order to place the hook in the slot and also ... Mehr lesen
This model of a circular waveguide demonstrates how to use ports with numerical solution of the port modes. It illustrates how to align the polarization of degenerate port modes and in particular how to model and excite the TE11 mode of circular waveguides in 3D. Mehr lesen
The powder compaction process is becoming common in the manufacturing industry, thanks to its potential to produce components of complex shape and high strength. In this example, the compaction of iron powder to form an axisymmetric rotational flanged component is analyzed with capped ... Mehr lesen