Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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The vibration modes of a thin or thick circular disc are well known, and it is possible to compute the corresponding eigenfrequencies to arbitrary precision from a series solution. The same is true for the acoustic modes of an air-filled cylinder with perfectly rigid walls. A more ... Mehr lesen
During the design of a building, environmental issues have gained considerable influence in the entire project. One of the first concerns is to improve thermal performances. In this process, simulation software are key tools to model thermal losses and performances in the building. The ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial models how the relative humidity of the inlet gases impacts the performance of a low-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane-electrode assembly. The model includes humidity-dependent ionomer (electrolyte) conductivities, gas phase mass transport and water ionomer ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial shows how to set up a ray release based on the incident electric field at a boundary. First the Electomagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface is used to solve for the electric field of a plane wave. Then rays are released with initial intensity and polarization matching ... Mehr lesen
Trusses are commonly used to create light structures that can support heavy loads. When designing such a structure, it is important to ensure its safety. For a tower made of bars, buckling can cause the structure to collapse. This model shows how to compute the critical buckling load ... Mehr lesen
When a valve is closed rapidly in a pipe network it gives rise to a hydraulic transient known as a water hammer. The propagation of these hydraulic transients can in extreme cases cause failures of pipe systems caused by overpressures. This is a model of a simple verification pipe system ... Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates the application of COMSOL Multiphysics to a benchmark case of steady-state subsurface fluid flow and transient solute transport along a vertical cross section in an unconfined aquifer. Because of profound geologic heterogeneity, the model must estimate solute ... Mehr lesen
The Free Molecular Flow interface, available in the Molecular Flow Module, is an efficient tool for modeling extremely rarefied gases when the gas molecules move much faster than any geometric entities in the domain. For turbomolecular pumps, in which the blades move at speeds comparable ... Mehr lesen
In this model, we use the Pressure Acoustics, Boundary Elements physics interface to analyze the acoustics of a generic head and torso simulator. This is a manikin head used to do standardized measurements for hearing aids, mobile phones, and headphones. The model showcases some ... Mehr lesen
Due to the large differences in length scales in a lithium-ion battery, with the thickness of the different layers typically being several orders of magnitude smaller than the extension in the sheet direction, a lithium-ion battery is often well represented by a one-dimensional model. ... Mehr lesen