Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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Many applications involve simulating the electromagnetic behavior of relatively thin material in voluminous domains. To save computer memory and processing time, the thin materials can be treated differently by resolving them with 3D meshes. Here, the modeling domain is a box filled ... Mehr lesen
The double barrier structure is of interest because of its application in semiconductor devices such as resonant-tunneling diodes. This verification example demonstrates the Schrödinger Equation interface to set up a simple 1D GaAs/AlGaAs double barrier structure to analyze the ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial example shows how to set port features in a physics interface when designing a grounded coplanar waveguide (GCPW) circuit that is useful for mmWave applications. Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates how to perform simulations of an absorbing bandstop color filter, based on a hexagonal array of holes in a thin aluminum layer. The structure is hexagonally periodic but this example also shows how to set the model up as rectangularly periodic. Mehr lesen
This model serves the purpose of validation and verification of the Linear Elastic Material, Layered model in the Shell interface. In COMSOL Multiphysics, composites are analyzed either based on Layerwise 3D elasticity theory through the Layered Shell interface or based on FSDT-ESL ... Mehr lesen
It is possible to realize a narrowband bandpass filter using cascaded microstrip coupled lines. In this example, a design composed of cascaded microstrip lines, each approximately a half wave length in size at the resonant frequency, is analyzed. The model is solved for the S-parameters ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Übungsbeispiel eines Stimmgabel-Gyroskops wurde freundlicherweise von Dr. James Ransley von Veryst Engineering, LLC, zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Modell zeigt die vollständig parametrisierte Geometrie, die umfassende Verwendung von Auswahlfunktionen, die Implementierung ... Mehr lesen
This example shows how to perform a fatigue analysis of a structure subjected to random vibrations. Times to failure using the cycle counting models according to Bendat and Dirlik are compared. Mehr lesen
The topology optimized Tesla microvalve is used as an inspiration for an initial geometry. Second order Bernstein polynomials are used to perturb the shape of the geometry. The resulting design is remeshed in the deformed configuration and the performance is investigated for a range of ... Mehr lesen
Magnesium alloys are attractive alternatives as lightweight materials in various fields of engineering. Magnesium is however relatively non-noble and may suffer considerable galvanic corrosion when being used in conjunction with other metals, for instance when mounting an Mg alloy ... Mehr lesen