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One method of creating spring-like structures or inducing curvature in thin structures is to plate them to substrates that are under the influence of residual stresses. The plating process can control this stress even for similar materials. One such device is the electrostatically ... Mehr lesen
Inductive devices experience capacitative coupling between conductors at high frequencies. Modeling this phenomenon requires that you describe electric fields that have components both parallel with and perpendicular to the wire. This consideration might lead to the conclusion that a 3D ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Modell zeigt, wie Sie mit dem Feature Control Function die Form eines rechteckigen Horns optimieren können, um eine bessere Antwort auf der Achse zu erzielen. Die Ergebnisse des ursprünglichen Designs werden über einen Filter-Datensatz in eine neue Komponente exportiert. Außerdem ... Mehr lesen
When modeling the propagation of charged particle beams at high currents and relativistic speeds, the space charge and beam current create significant electric and magnetic forces that tend to expand and focus the beam, respectively. The Charged Particle Tracing interface uses an ... Mehr lesen
This example shows an approximate approach to model a dot-in-well solar cell as described by Asahi et al. in the reference paper. The quantum wells and the layers of quantum dots are each treated as lumped energy levels in the band gap. The authors specify transitions between the dot ... Mehr lesen
This example demonstrates the bending analysis of a simply supported composite laminate under sinusoidal distributed transverse load. The composite laminate is thick, with a thickness to side length ratio of 1/4. The laminate has three layers in a cross-ply layup. The model is solved ... Mehr lesen
The model is defined as a benchmark case in norm 15026:2007 annex A. The purpose of the model is to calculate the temperature and moisture profiles at different times after a change in the external conditions (temperature and relative humidity) inside a wall material (kind of concrete). ... Mehr lesen
This example models 3D supersonic flow, including the effect of a shock, in a straight channel with a small obstacle on one of the walls. As the flow hits the obstacle, shock waves are diffracted from the obstacle and walls of the channel. The propagating shock waves form a pattern in ... Mehr lesen
A fuel cell unit cell is modeled using the full Butler-Volmer expression for the anodic and cathodic charge transfer reactions. The anodic and cathodic overpotentials depend on the local ionic and electronic potentials, which are obtained from the charge balance equations for ionic and ... Mehr lesen
In a redox flow battery electrochemical energy is stored as redox couples in the electrolyte, which is stored in tanks outside the electrochemical cell. During operation, electrolyte is pumped through the cell and, due to the electrochemical reactions, the individual concentrations of ... Mehr lesen