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Prior to the reliability testing, surface-mount devices (SMDs) are required to go through a preconditioning process, which represents the effects of storage and the typical reflow operation in the following board assembly process. During the preconditioning process, test samples usually ... Mehr lesen
The contact impedance boundary condition is meant to approximate a thin layer of material that impedes the flow of current normal to the boundary, but does not introduce any additional conduction path tangential to the boundary. This example compares the contact impedance boundary ... Mehr lesen
This model studies a part of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger where hot water enters from above. The cooling medium flows through the tubes that, in this model, impose a constant temperature at the walls. Furthermore, the tubes are assumed to be made of stainless steel and the heat flux ... Mehr lesen
A quadrupole mass filter (QMF) is a key component of a modern mass spectrometer. A QMF uses direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) electric fields to analyze positive or negative ions by mass to charge ratio. A QMF consists of 4 parallel rods spaced equidistantly, the ratio of ... Mehr lesen
This 2D axisymmetric model demonstrates the operation of a pyroelectric detector found in instruments for measuring laser energy. A disk of lithium niobate (LiNbO3) is sandwiched between two electrodes and connected to an external circuit. The disk is mounted on a ring-shaped ... Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates how to perform simulations of an absorbing bandstop color filter, based on a hexagonal array of holes in a thin aluminum layer. The structure is hexagonally periodic but this example also shows how to set the model up as rectangularly periodic. Mehr lesen
This is a model of a MEMS microphone solved in the frequency domain including the DC prestress effects. The model is set up using the Electromechanics multiphysics interface, Thermoviscous Acoustics, and Pressure Acoustics. The microphone consists of a perforated plate and a prestressed ... Mehr lesen
Electrical events, such as an overcurrent or overload, can seriously damage electrical circuits or power lines. To avoid expensive replacements of critical parts, electric switch circuit breakers can be installed. These mechanically interrupt the current flow or surge by moving a plunger ... Mehr lesen
This model describes the evaporation of a droplet that consists of concentrated solution of acetone and water. It accounts for the coupled phenomena of chemical species transport and heat transfer over phase boundaries (liquid-gas boundary) as well as for multiphase flow. The droplet ... Mehr lesen
In this example, a triaxial test is simulated using the Hardening Soil material model. The test consists of two stages; an initial isotropic compression followed by axial compression. A hyperbolic stress-strain relation is recovered. It is also verified that the asymptotic value of the ... Mehr lesen