Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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Eine Helmholtz-Spule ist ein paralleles Paar identischer kreisförmiger Spulen, die einen Radius voneinander entfernt und so gewickelt sind, dass der Strom durch beide Spulen in dieselbe Richtung fließt. Diese Wicklung führt zu einem gleichmäßigen Magnetfeld zwischen den Spulen, wobei die ... Mehr lesen
A Hall effect sensor is a semiconductive material with an anisotropic conductivity that is a function of the magnetic field. A magnet, mounted on a wheel, is rotated around nearby the sensor and the variation in the electric potential across the sensor is modeled. For complete ... Mehr lesen
It is possible to shape the radiation pattern and steer the beam from an antenna array by controlling the relative phases and magnitudes of the input signal. This example shows how to design an active electronically scanned array (AESA) using arithmetic phase progression on each antenna ... Mehr lesen
A Biconical antenna is a type of wideband antenna with omni-directional radiation pattern in the H-plane similar to a dipole antenna. A coaxial feed is connected to the radiators using two 90 degree bent arms. The model shows that the biconical antenna works well in applications ... Mehr lesen
Rohrbündelwärmetauscher werden häufig in Ölraffinerien und anderen großen chemischen Prozessen eingesetzt. Bei diesem Modell fließen zwei getrennte Fluide mit unterschiedlichen Temperaturen durch den Wärmetauscher, eines durch die Rohre (Rohrseite) und das andere durch den Mantel um die ... Mehr lesen
A plane wave is incident on a reflecting hexagonal grating. The grating cell consists of a protruding semisphere. The scattering coefficients for the different diffraction orders are calculated for a few different wavelengths. Mehr lesen
An antenna array is a group of radiating elements. By controlling the phase and magnitude of the input signal assigned to each antenna element and the number of array elements, the radiation pattern can be steered in a desired direction with a preferred level of gain. In this example, a ... Mehr lesen
A wideband antenna study, such as an S-parameter or far-field pattern analysis, can be obtained by performing a transient response analysis and a time-to-frequency fast Fourier transform (FFT). This model runs a time dependent study first and then transforms the dependent variable, the ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial simulates a small vibrating hemispherical particle in water. The particle has a radius of 1 mm and is oscillating in the axial direction at a frequency of 50 kHz. The vibrations induce acoustic waves in the fluid. The example demonstrates how to set up a thermoviscous ... Mehr lesen
Users of consumer electronics with radiating devices are exposed to radio frequency (RF) emission. The amount of exposure is defined as the specific absorption rate (SAR). That is, the SAR value represents the radio frequency (RF) energy rate absorbed by a body. This model computes local ... Mehr lesen