Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This model analyzes the operation of a micromirror in air and the effects of thermoviscous damping on the vibration response. The model includes thermal losses in the structure as well as thermoviscous acoustic phenomena. The model couples the Thermoelasticity multiphysics interface to ... Mehr lesen
When anodizing aluminum, the surface is electrochemically altered to form an abrasive and corrosion-resistive Al2O3 film. The electrode kinetics during the process are only marginally affected as the oxide layer grows, so a stationary analysis of the current distribution is sufficient to ... Mehr lesen
This simple example covers the heating of a finite slab and how the temperature varies with time. We will set up the problem in COMSOL Multiphysics after which we compare the solution to the analytical solution. Mehr lesen
Impressed current cathodic protection is a commonly employed strategy to mitigate the ship hull corrosion where an external current is applied to the hull surface, polarizing it to a lower potential. In this model, the effect of propeller coating on the current demand is demonstrated. Mehr lesen
Say you would like to simulate a natural material or an arrangement of parts that have some known statistical distribution of dimensional variations. In such cases, you can create a random geometry based on these variations. This model file is an example that demonstrates how to create ... Mehr lesen
Der Lärm, der von einer elektrischen Maschine ausgeht, kann viele Quellen haben. In diesem Beispiel wird das akustische Geräusch von Vibrationen untersucht, die durch die Variation der Magnetkraft entstehen. Dieses Geräusch ist oft bei der doppelten Erregungsfrequenz hörbar, kann aber ... Mehr lesen
This benchmark demonstrates how to use the Beam interface in the Structural Mechanics Module. It calculates the deformation, section forces, and stresses in a cantilever beam as well as a number of eigenfrequencies. It also illustrates how to use the Beam Cross Section interface to ... Mehr lesen
In this shape optimization example, the mass of a bracket is minimized by changing the size and position of a number of geometrical objects. The requirements give limits both on the lowest natural frequency, and on the maximum stress in a static load case. This means that results from ... Mehr lesen
Several factors influence a diesel particulate filter’s (DPF) efficiency and durability. Important issues include the removal of soot particles from the filter membranes and the influence of thermal stress on the ceramic structure, stress that arises during repeated operating cycles. ... Mehr lesen
In COMSOL Multiphysics®, you can easily define moving loads and constraints. These three models demonstrate three different approaches for modeling moving loads in the COMSOL® software, including: A user-defined expression A text file of positions over time An imported ... Mehr lesen