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This model shows how to compute the S-parameter for a piezoelectric MEMS device by extending the tutorial Thin-Film BAW Composite Resonator. The measurement of S-parameter is commonly used to characterize such devices for RF applications. The terminal feature in the Electrostatics ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial is a benchmark model that reproduces the Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Method (TEAM) Problem 32, which evaluates numerical methods for the simulation of anisotropic magnetic hysteresis. A hysteretic three-limbed laminated iron core is subject to a time-varying magnetic ... Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates the polarization properties for a Gaussian beam incident at an interface between two media at the Brewster angle. The model shows how to use the Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes physics interface with a User defined phase specification. Matched Boundary ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial demonstrates how a lumped model of a MEMS transducer can be derived from its FEM model. It includes an FEM model of a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) and the corresponding lumped model created using the Lumped Mechanical System (LMS) interface. The ... Mehr lesen
Schottky Contact This benchmark simulates the behavior of an ideal Schottky barrier diode made of a tungsten contact deposited on a silicon wafer. The resulting J-V (current density vs. applied voltage) curve obtained from the model under forward bias is compared with experimental ... Mehr lesen
In dieser Reihe von Verifikationsmodellen und der dazugehörigen Dokumentation wird die Genauigkeit von Berechnungen der elektromagnetischen Kraft untersucht. Mit verschiedenen Techniken werden die Gesamtkraft und das Drehmoment auf einen starren Körper bestimmt und mit analytischen ... Mehr lesen
Classical MHD benchmark problem was solved analytically by J. Hartmann. He considered laminar incompressible flow between two planes (in planar duct) in transversal imposed magnetic field under next assumptions: * fully developed flow (far from inlet) * fluid properties are constant * ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial models an ICP reactor by solving plasma fluid type equations fully coupled with the homogeneous and time-independent electron Boltzmann equation in the classical two-term approximation. The approximated Boltzmann equation is solved for each position of space and is coupled ... Mehr lesen
Frequency-selective surfaces (FSS) are periodic structures with a bandpass or a bandstop frequency response. This model shows that only signals around the center frequency can pass through the periodic complementary split ring resonator layer. Mehr lesen
Light rail transit (LRT) systems often utilize DC power for train propulsion. In these systems the potential gradients in the rails may induce stray currents, which corrode adjacent metallic structures. In this example, the Cathodic Protection interface, using Edge Electrode nodes, is ... Mehr lesen