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This example models heat transfer in a thin rectangular metal plate. Because the plate’s thickness is only 1/100 of its length and width, you can simulate the process using a 2D approximation. The plate has a fixed temperature at one end and is isolated at the other. A surrounding liquid ... Mehr lesen
Magnetic prospecting is a geological exploration method that is applicable to certain types of iron ore deposits, in particular those made up of magnetite and hematite. The method consists of measuring the magnetic anomalies (changes in the earth's magnetic field) due to the presence of ... Mehr lesen
Predicting the transport of solutes that move with subsurface fluids is of general interest in environmental engineering and geosciences. Solutes may not only be pollutants but also artifical tracers added to the groundwater for investigation purposes. This model tracks a solute over ... Mehr lesen
Interfacial failure or delamination in a composite material can be simulated with a cohesive zone model (CZM). A key ingredient of a cohesive zone model is a traction-separation law that describes the softening in the cohesive zone near the delamination tip. This example shows the ... Mehr lesen
In this model, the effect of corrosion product on galvanic corrosion between a magnesium alloy (AE44) and mild steel in contact with brine solution is presented, wherein deformed boundaries due to both deposition of corrosion product as well as dissolution of magnesium are considered. ... Mehr lesen
In this example, the transient response of a shallow foundation resting on an unsaturated soil stratum is investigated. The changes in pore suction due to water infiltration and evaporation are analyzed using the Extended Barcelona Basic soil model. The results show how the deformation ... Mehr lesen
The example concerns a stainless-steel MEMS heat exchanger, which you can find in lab-on-a-chip devices in biotechnology and in microreactors such as for micro fuel cells. This model examines the heat exchanger in 3D, and it involves heat transfer through both convection and ... Mehr lesen
This example demonstrates how to set up the classical external-flow problem of solving for the high-speed, compressible, turbulent flow over the ONERA-M6 wing. The problem involves finding a steady-state solution of the flow field around the 3D, swept wing geometry, immersed in a ... Mehr lesen
Communication masts usually have a framework with a bolted triangular lattice design. The diagonals of the framework are assembled from several parts and welded together. When operating under a given wind load at a specific location, the antenna’s total rotation angle should stay below ... Mehr lesen
This model uses the Optimization interface to solve the inverse problem for determining the spatially variable hydraulic conductivity on a discretized quadratic grid from a number of aquifer pump tests. Because the number of observations is smaller than the number of unknown parameters, ... Mehr lesen