Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This tutorial shows how you can use the Electromechanics interface in COMSOL's MEMS Module to model Electrostriction. Electrostrictive materials (e.g. PMN-PT) exhibit nonlinear strain as a function of electric field. This 2D axisymmetry model uses a parametric sweep of voltage to ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Modell wird eine vollständige transiente Analyse eines Lautsprechertreibers durchgeführt, die die Modellierung von nichtlinearen Effekten ermöglicht. Es erweitert die lineare Analyse im Frequenzbereich, die im Tutorial-Modell des Lautsprechertreibers durchgeführt wurde. Die ... Mehr lesen
The elastic cantilever beam is one of the elementary structures used in MEMS designs. This model shows the bending of a cantilever beam under an applied electrostatic load. The model solves the deformation of the beam under an applied voltage. Mehr lesen
Centrifugal pumps are used in various applications and can be found in many industries. The size of the pump in this model is typical for automotive applications. This model shows how to set up rotating machinery simulations using the frozen rotor approximation for modeling centrifugal ... Mehr lesen
A paraboloidal dish can concentrate solar energy onto a target (receiver), resulting in very high local heat fluxes. This can be used to generate steam, which can be used to power a generator, or hydrogen, which can be used directly as a fuel source. In this model, the heat flux arriving ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial example shows how to use the Electric Currents in Shells interface together with Magnetic Field interface to compute the resistance and inductance of a planar PCB coil in the stationary regime. Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates the path of relativistic protons within Earth's magnetic field. Due to the dipole nature of Earth's magnetic field, charged particles, such as electrons and protons, can get trapped in stable configurations within it for long periods of time. These ... Mehr lesen
This model analyzes an RF MEMS switch consisting of a thin micromechanical bridge suspended over a dielectric layer. A DC voltage greater than the pull-in voltage is applied across the switch, causing the bridge to collapse onto the dielectric layer with a resulting increase in the ... Mehr lesen
This example models the radiation of fan noise from the annular duct of a turbofan aeroengine. When the jet stream exits the duct, a vortex sheet appears along the extension of the duct wall due to the surrounding air moving at a lower speed. The near field on both sides of the vortex ... Mehr lesen
Diese Modellserie demonstriert, wie Sie mit COMSOL Multiphysics® fortgeschrittene Modelle für elektrische Maschinen erstellen können - in 2D, 2,5D und in 3D, einschließlich der Endeffekte. Sie untersucht die Leistung eines Permanentmagnet-Synchronmotors, wie er häufig in modernen ... Mehr lesen