Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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Freeze-drying, or lyophilization, is a process for drying heat-sensitive substances such as foods, blood plasma, and antibiotics. The wet substance is frozen and then, through sublimation, ice (or some other frozen solvent) is removed in the presence of a high vacuum. This example ... Mehr lesen
A model built with the RF Module can be connected to an electrical circuit equivalent, if there is some structure outside of the model space that you wish to approximate as a circuit equivalent. In this model, the 3D model of a coaxial cable is connected to a voltage source, in series ... Mehr lesen
This example models co-electrolysis of H2O and CO2 using a solid oxide electrolyzer cell. The model includes the full coupling between the mass balances and gas flow in the H2 and O2 gas diffusion electrodes, the momentum balances in the H2 and O2 gas flow channels, the energy balance ... Mehr lesen
It is possible to generate harmonics that are multiples of the frequency of laser light by using nonlinear optical materials. This model demonstrates second harmonic generation using transient wave simulation and nonlinear material properties. A YAG (lambda=1.06 micron) laser beam is ... Mehr lesen
Continuous mixing is used in process equipment to mix components in a single pass. Compared to batch mixing, this operation has the advantage that the tank filling and emptying steps are eliminated, implying that the process can be run without interruptions. A disadvantage of continuous ... Mehr lesen
This example shows how to use the Optimization Module to find a coil geometry giving a uniform magnetic field on axis and minimal field near the axis ends. Mehr lesen
An eigenfrequency study is used to find the resonance frequency and threshold gain for an oxide-confined, GaAs-based, vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL). The simulations are performed in two steps. A regular eigenfrequency analysis is first performed, to find good initial ... Mehr lesen
In this example, the homogenized elastic and thermal properties of a composite material based on a triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) are computed. A gyroid TPMS-based unit cell is subjected to periodic boundary conditions to get the homogenized material properties. The effects of ... Mehr lesen
A steel billet is quenched in oil from its austenitic state. A 2D axisymmetric model is used to simulate the coupled problem of austenite decomposition, heat transfer, and solid mechanics. During the quenching process, the austenite decomposes into a combination of ferrite, pearlite, ... Mehr lesen
Feeding a waveguide from a coaxial cable is a straightforward way to achieve electromagnetic waves inside a waveguide. Due to its small size and circular shape, the cable contributes significantly to the overall size of the problem. It is therefore necessary to keep the cable as short as ... Mehr lesen