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Some conventional three-port power dividers are resistive power dividers and T-junction power dividers. Such dividers are either lossy or not matched to the system reference impedance at all ports. In addition, isolation between two coupled ports is not guaranteed. The Wilkinson power ... Mehr lesen
An electrostatically actuated MEMS resonator is simulated in the time and frequency domains. The device is driven by an AC + DC bias voltage applied across a parallel plate capacitor. The dependence of the resonant frequency on DC bias is assessed, and frequency domain and transient ... Mehr lesen
While transient analyses are useful for time domain reflectometry (TDR) to handle signal integrity (SI) problems, many RF and microwave examples are addressed using frequency domain simulations generating S-parameters. However, from the frequency domain data it is difficult to identify ... Mehr lesen
Some conventional three-port power dividers are resistive power dividers and T-junction power dividers. Such dividers are either lossy or not matched to the system reference impedance at all ports. In addition, isolation between two coupled ports is not guaranteed. The Wilkinson power ... Mehr lesen
This app can be used as a design tool to develop an optimized battery configuration for a specific application. The application computes the capacity, energy efficiency, heat generation, and capacity losses due to parasitic reactions of a battery for a specific load cycle. Various ... Mehr lesen
This model computes an electromagnetic-heated busbar with surface-to-surface radiation and compares the results with the busbar model without radiation. The surface emissivity of copper is varied between 0.1 (blank material), 0.3 (partially oxidized), and 0.7 (heavily oxidized). A more ... Mehr lesen
This model presents a solution to the Transient Electromagnetic Analysis Methods (TEAM) workshop problem 28, “An Electrodynamic Levitation Device”- a benchmark problem involving the dynamic coupling of electromagnetics and rigid body dynamics. An electrodynamic levitation force is ... Mehr lesen
The drift velocity of Ar+ is calculated using a Monte Carlo simulation in which the elastic collisions of Argon ions with ambient neutrals are explicitly modeled. The model uses energy-dependent collision cross-section data from experiment. The average ion velocity values are consistent ... Mehr lesen
Deposition of metallic lithium on the negative electrode in preference to lithium intercalation is known to be a capacity loss and safety concern for lithium-ion batteries. Harsh charge conditions such as high currents (fast charging) and/or low temperatures can lead to lithium plating. ... Mehr lesen
Eine ebene TE-polarisierte elektromagnetische Welle fällt auf ein Gold-Nanopartikel auf einem dielektrischen Substrat. Die Absorptions- und Streuquerschnitte des Partikels werden für einige verschiedene polare und azimutale Einfallswinkel berechnet. Das Modell berechnet zunächst ein ... Mehr lesen