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This example reproduces parts of the study of Ref. 1 on the thermal contact resistance at the interface between a heat sink and an electronic package. Eight cooling fins equip the cylindrical heat sink and contact is made at the radial boundaries of the package. The efficiency of the ... Mehr lesen
The dipole antenna is one of the most straightforward antenna configurations. It can be realized with two thin metallic rods that have a sinusoidal voltage difference applied between them. The length of the rods is chosen such that they are quarter wavelength elements at the operating ... Mehr lesen
An evanescent-mode cavity filter is resonant at a frequency lower than its original fundamental mode frequency. Evanescent mode resonance can be realized by creating a discontinuity or reactance inside the cavity. The basic model was modified by the addition of a metal box at either end ... Mehr lesen
A Biconical antenna is a type of wideband antenna with omni-directional radiation pattern in the H-plane similar to a dipole antenna. A coaxial feed is connected to the radiators using two 90 degree bent arms. The model shows that the biconical antenna works well in applications ... Mehr lesen
In this first half of a two-part example, a 2D model of a trench-gate IGBT is built, which will be extended to 3D in the second half. In general, it is the most efficient to start with a 2D model to make sure everything works as expected, before extending it to 3D. The Caughey&ndash ... Mehr lesen
RF coils are important in numerous applications ranging from wireless technology to MRI scanning equipment. This introductory tutorial model demonstrates how to find the fundamental resonance frequency of an RF coil as well as how to perform a frequency sweep to extract the coil's Q ... Mehr lesen
In a MESFET, the gate forms a rectifying junction that controls the opening of the channel by varying the depletion width of the junction. In this model we simulate the response of a n-doped GaAs MESFET to different drain and gate voltages. For a n-doped material the electron ... Mehr lesen
This benchmark model simulates three different heterojunction configurations under forward and reverse bias. It shows the difference in using the continuous quasi-Fermi level formulation versus the thermionic emission formulation for the charge transfer across the heterojunction. The ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Modell löst das TEAM-Problem 7 "Asymmetrical Conductor with a Hole" - ein Benchmark-Problem zur Berechnung von Wirbelströmen und Magnetfeldern, die entstehen, wenn ein Aluminiumleiter asymmetrisch unter einer Spule mit mehreren Windungen angeordnet ist, die einen sinusförmig ... Mehr lesen
The Superlattice Band Gap Tool model helps the design of periodic structures made of two alternating semiconductor materials (superlattices). The model uses the effective mass Schrödinger equation to estimate the electron and hole ground state energy levels in a given superlattice ... Mehr lesen