Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This model demonstrates the use of optical tracing for studying optically large gradient-index structures with anisotropic optical properties. Additionally, the model introduces a smoothing technique for handling discontinuities of refractive index on curved surfaces, which are typical ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Tutorial wird die Widerstandserwärmung (Joulesche Erwärmung) einer Stromschienen-Baugruppe analysiert, die dazu dient, einen Gleichstrom von einer Stromquelle zur Anode in einem Elektrolyseprozess zu leiten. Mehr lesen
When modeling the propagation of charged particle beams at high currents, the space charge force generated by the beam significantly affects the trajectories of the charged particles. Perturbations to these trajectories, in turn, affect the space charge distribution. The Charged ... Mehr lesen
A demo model of a 50 Hz AC coil wound around a ferromagnetic (linear) core. The model is intended as a tutorial to show how to create a relatively complex geometry and set up the new Multi-Turn Coil features for the simulation. The model requires the Design module to fillet the edges of ... Mehr lesen
A time-varying current induces a time-varying magnetic field. The magnetic field induces currents in neighboring conductors. The induced currents are called eddy currents. In this model, the phenomenon is illustrated by a time-harmonic field simulation as well as a transient analysis, ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial models an ICP reactor by solving plasma fluid type equations fully coupled with the homogeneous and time-independent electron Boltzmann equation in the classical two-term approximation. The approximated Boltzmann equation is solved for each position of space and is coupled ... Mehr lesen
This example exemplifies how to model thermal phase change that is subject to hysteresis. A more detailed description of the phenomenon, and the modeling process, can be seen in the blog post "Thermal Modeling of Phase-Change Materials with Hysteresis" as well as: "How to Use State ... Mehr lesen
Radial magnetic coupling between two permanent magnet rotors is modeled using the Rotating Machinery, Magnetic interface. The permanent magnets in the inner and the outer rotors are outward flux-focused and inward flux-focused to maximize the coupling torque. Mehr lesen
The installation verification application can be used to help verify that your COMSOL Multiphysics® or COMSOL Server™ installation works as expected on your hardware platforms and operating systems. The app automatically loads and runs a suite of test models and compares the results with ... Mehr lesen
This example involves a static 2D axisymmetric analysis of a piezoelectric actuator using the Piezoelectric Devices physics interface. It models a radially polarized piezoelectric tube, as described by S. Peelamedu and co-authors. An application area where radially polarized tubes are ... Mehr lesen