Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This tutorial uses an equivalent circuit approach for modeling the performance of a lithium-ion battery, requiring no knowledge about the internal chemistry or structure of the battery. A 0D equivalent circuit battery model is defined based on a resistor connected in series with a ... Mehr lesen
In this model, we use the Bioheat Transfer interface to solve the Pennes bioheat transfer equation. The problem is in 1D and formulated to be dimensionless. The results are compared against analytical solutions derived in a journal paper (Ref. 1). A mesh convergence study shows that the ... Mehr lesen
This model utilizes a continuation solver to efficiently compute the current-voltage characteristics of a corona discharge generated by a wire-to-wire configuration. It provides a flexible framework that can be easily adapted to study other discharge configurations and types. Mehr lesen
This app demonstrates the following: Using the knob form object Updating the geometry by rotating a knob Provides info if the results are above or below certain critical values Many trucks are equipped with cranes for handling loads and such cranes have a number of hydraulic ... Mehr lesen
In this example, the High Mach Number Flow, Low Reynolds Number k-e interface is used to compute the compressible turbulent flow from a rectangular nozzle. Mesh refinement based on the estimation of the shock strength and the shear-layer strength is employed to achieve appropriate ... Mehr lesen
This case shows how to simulate moisture transport in a homogeneous wall under isothermal conditions. With this assumption, an analytical solution can be calculated. The homogeneous layer is initialized in moisture balance. At the beginning of the simulation, the relative humidity of ... Mehr lesen
These models introduce how to perform convolution via the convolution integral, discrete convolution, and convolution theorem. Specifically, they show how to implement convolution by applying these methods to the low-pass filtering of a room impulse response (IR) and the auralization of ... Mehr lesen
This example models the desalination of water by capacitive deionization in a "flow-between" cell (fbCDI). The model geometry is in 2D. Steady Brinkman flow, a tertiary current distribution, and the improved modified Donnan description of the deionization process is assumed. Mehr lesen
A tubular centrifuge is a type of centrifugal separation device that is often used for separation of very fine solid particles from a liquid. It can be run in both a continuous and batch type configurations. The device usually consists of a cylindrical rotating bowl with a large aspect ... Mehr lesen
This model solves the Boltzmann equation in the two-term approximation for a background of molecular and atomic hydrogen. Electron mobility and source terms are computed by suitable integration of the electron energy distribution function over electron impact cross sections. Mehr lesen