Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This type is one of the most popular laser cavities. In particular, it is often used for the Ti-doped sapphire femto-second laser. The stability of the laser cavity is analyzed by releasing a ray inside the cavity and is traced for a predefined time period that is sufficiently long. ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial model presents a study of a double-headed streamer in nitrogen at atmospheric pressure. An initial seed of electrons is placed between two electrodes which apply an initial electric field of 52 kV/cm to the gas. A negative and positive streamer propagate toward the ... Mehr lesen
In this tutorial model, learn how to model multiple rotors connected through helical gears using the Rotordynamics Module, an add-on product to the Structural Mechanics Module and COMSOL Multiphysics®. When modeling geared rotors, the presence of gears in the system induces the lateral ... Mehr lesen
Not all analysis projects start with a CAD model. Sometimes the only data you have available is a set of points, also known as a point cloud. The examples files available here illustrate how point cloud data can be converted to geometry models that can be used for simulation in the ... Mehr lesen
A homopolar generator is composed of an electrically conductive rotating disc placed in a uniform magnetic field that is perpendicular to the plane of rotation. The motion of the conductor through the static magnetic field induces Lorentz currents in the disc. By connecting the outside ... Mehr lesen
Experiments on dry and wet soil samples are performed to understand their behavior under different loading conditions. In this example, the Extended Barcelona Basic (BBMx) soil model is used to simulate the wetting and drying paths in partially saturated soil samples under cyclic ... Mehr lesen
A wideband antenna study, such as an S-parameter or far-field pattern analysis, can be obtained by performing a transient response analysis and a time-to-frequency fast Fourier transform (FFT). This model runs a time dependent study first and then transforms the dependent variable, the ... Mehr lesen
Multipaction can occur when electrons are accelerated by a high frequency RF field into surfaces. At certain frequencies, the number of electrons in a cavity can grow exponentially. This exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely because space charge effects in the cavity can ... Mehr lesen
This model studies the heat conduction in a building structure separating two floors from the external environment. Four materials with distinct thermal conductivities k compose the structure. The exterior and interior boundaries are facing environments respectively at 0°C and 20°C. The ... Mehr lesen
The thin low permittivity gap boundary condition is meant to approximate a thin layer of material with low relative permittivity compared to its surroundings. This boundary condition is available for electrostatic field modeling. This example compares the thin low permittivity gap ... Mehr lesen