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When computing ray intensity in 2D axisymmetric models, the wavefront associated with the propagating ray is treated as a spherical or ellipsoidal wave, instead of a cylindrical wave. This tutorial example illustrates how to set up several important features using the Ray Acoustics ... Mehr lesen
This model studies the natural frequencies of a pre-tensioned string using the 2D Wire interface. This is an example of “stress stiffening”; in fact the transverse stiffness of wire elements is directly proportional to the tensile force. Strings made of piano wire have an extremely high ... Mehr lesen
Mass transport limitations within thin crevices can often result in the local electrochemistry to differ significantly between the crevice opening (mouth) and end (tip), and as a result of the differences in local chemistry, corrosion may occur. This example models crevice corrosion of ... Mehr lesen
This type is one of the most popular laser cavities. In particular, it is often used for the Ti-doped sapphire femto-second laser. The stability of the laser cavity is analyzed by releasing a ray inside the cavity and is traced for a predefined time period that is sufficiently long. ... Mehr lesen
This model utilizes the thermoviscous acoustic interface in a sub-model to obtain detailed results for the transfer impedance of a perforated plate (including the thermal and viscous losses). The impedance is in turn used as an internal impedance in a pressure acoustic model of a ... Mehr lesen
Transmission lines are used when the frequency of the electromagnetic signals is so high that the wave nature of the signals must be taken into account. A consequence of the wave nature is that the signals are reflected if there are abrupt changes of the characteristic impedance along ... Mehr lesen
Ein Benchmark-Modell des Rainflow-Zählalgorithmus vergleicht die Ergebnisse zwischen dem ASTM- und dem COMSOL-Ermüdungsmodul unter Verwendung eines flachen Zugprüfkörpers. Es wird eine Erweiterung für die Berechnung der kumulativen Schädigung nach dem Palmgren-Miner-Modell vorgenommen ... Mehr lesen
Conical antennas are useful for many applications due to their broadband characteristics and relative simplicity. In this example, we study the antenna impedance and radiation pattern as functions of frequency for a monoconical antenna with a finite ground plane and a 50 ohm coaxial ... Mehr lesen
This model is a benchmark model for the Slip Flow interface. It is based on both analytic and numeric calculations. Air at atmospheric pressure flows through a conducting micro-channel connecting two reservoirs maintained at different temperatures. A flow between the two reservoirs ... Mehr lesen
Passive devices can be designed using lumped element features if both the operating frequency of the device and the insertion loss of lumped elements are low. This example simulates two types of lumped element filters that are similar to lumped ports, except that they are strictly ... Mehr lesen