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This model sets up a linear array of nine tonpilz piezoelectric transducers in a 3x3 grid. A voltage is applied that includes a phase change across the three rows. The transducers are located in a box below the sea surface. The exterior acoustics are modeled using the Pressure ... Mehr lesen
This example model consists of a two-hot-arm thermal actuator made of polysilicon. The actuator is activated through thermal expansion. The temperature increase required to deform the arms, and thus displace the actuator, is obtained through Joule heating (resistive heating). The greater ... Mehr lesen
This model shows how shape optimization can be used design the coils of an ICP reactor to obtain plasma uniformity. The reactor in study is a planar ICP with the coils distributed along the radial direction. The Optimization study step is used to find the best coil placement so that the ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial model solves for a one-dimensional capacitively coupled plasma reactor in a mixture of argon/oxygen. Important aspects and strategies for modeling electronegative discharges are discussed. Mehr lesen
It is possible to shape the radiation pattern and steer the beam from an antenna array by controlling the relative phases and magnitudes of the input signal. This example shows how to design an active electronically scanned array (AESA) using arithmetic phase progression on each antenna ... Mehr lesen
Substrate Integrated Waveguides (SIW) can be used in antenna applications. Leaky waves from a slot array on the top surface of the SIW in this model generate a beam in a certain direction that can be steered by choosing a different operating frequency. Mehr lesen
This model includes a dielectric slab waveguide with a small lossy metallic object nearby. The object causes light to be scattered, absorbed, and both reflected and transmitted along the waveguide. Learn more in this accompanying blog post: Modeling a Scatterer Near an Optical Waveguide Mehr lesen
High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) of a spoke in a wheel rim is studied. As the wheel rotates, the stress histories in the structure will become nonproportional. The risk of fatigue is evaluated using the Findley criterion. Mehr lesen
The electron energy distribution function (EEDF) plays an important role in the overall behavior of discharges. In this example, the formation period of an Argon plasma is studied with special attention paid to the EEDF. The plasma is created within a 4 cm gap by a DC source voltage of 1 ... Mehr lesen
An antenna balun blocks undesirable currents on the outside of a cable. A quarter-wave coaxial balun (1:1) is one of the easiest designs: it works as a transformer and makes the input impedance from the inner conductor to the outer conductor infinite. This model simulates an antenna ... Mehr lesen