Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This model is an introduction to defining and verifying a satellite orbit, and computing the solar, albedo, and Earth infrared thermal loads. A 1U CubeSat is in a circular orbit at 400km altitude, inclination of 50°, and longitude of ascending node of 0°. The satellite is rotating slowly ... Mehr lesen
A radio frequency quadrupole ion trap utilizes a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) in order to trap an ion beam. A continuous high energy ion beam is first cooled and converted into a spatially confined bunch, which can then be released with minimal heating of the beam. The device is also ... Mehr lesen
A classic benchmark problem in computational electromagnetics is to solve for the radar cross section (RCS) of a sphere in free space illuminated by a plane wave. This model solves for the RCS of a metallic sphere that has a very high conductivity, which can be treated as a material with ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial model shows how to model car cabin acoustics using a hybrid FEM-ray approach. The particular example is that of a tweeter located in the dashboard of the car near the windscreen. A FEM based sub-model of the speaker and its immediate surroundings is used to compute a ... Mehr lesen
This example shows how to perform a fatigue analysis of a structure subjected to random vibrations. Times to failure using the cycle counting models according to Bendat and Dirlik are compared. Mehr lesen
This model shows how to set up a 3D simulation of a n-p-n bipolar transistor. It is a 3D version of the device shown in the Bipolar Transistor model, and demonstrates how to extend semiconductor modeling into 3D using COMSOL Multiphysics. As in the 2D version of this model, the device ... Mehr lesen
This model calculates the DC characteristics of a simple MOSFET. The drain current versus gate voltage characteristics are first computed in order to determine the threshold voltage for the device. Then the drain current vs drain voltage characteristics are computed for several gate ... Mehr lesen
Die Hauptverteidigung eines U-Boots besteht in seiner Fähigkeit, während der Fahrt verborgen zu bleiben. Da Radiowellen vom Meerwasser stark absorbiert werden, ist Sonar eine der wichtigsten Methoden zum Aufspüren von U-Booten. Sonarsysteme werden auch bei der Unterwasserforschung und in ... Mehr lesen
Dies ist ein Modell eines einfachen thermoakustischen Motors, der einen thermischen Stack zur Umwandlung von Wärmeenergie in akustische Energie enthält. Das Modell wird mit zwei Ansätzen aufgebaut: 1) Mit einem linearen Störungsansatz (akustisch) wird die Fluidbewegung mit dem Interface ... Mehr lesen
Model of the sound radiation from a circular duct with uniform flow. The convected acoustic problem is described using the linearized potential flow equations, solved in the frequency domain. The acoustic inlet is treated including higher order modes using the Port boundary condition and ... Mehr lesen