Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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During quenching of steel, austenite decomposes into phases such as ferrite, pearlite, bainite, and martensite. A common way to illustrate the phase transformation characteristics of a particular steel alloy is to use transformation diagrams. Two of the most commonly used diagram types ... Mehr lesen
In the chemical and biochemical industries, for instance in fermentation processes, reactors having well-mixed conditions and liquid level control are common. This example shows modeling of a 0D ideal system of tank reactors in series with controlled feed inlet and product outlet ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial drives a capacitively coupled plasma with an L-type matching network at high and low powers. At low power, where the harmonics in the current are low, prefect matching is obtained at the chosen power value. Sweeps over power, frequency, and pressure are performed and their ... Mehr lesen
RFIDs are used in a multitude of applications such as tracking or identifying consumer products and their packaging. An RFID system consists of two main parts: A tag or transponder with a printed circuit-board (PCB) antenna A reader unit with a larger RF antennaThe reader antenna ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial demonstrate the use of a Cross Grating feature in an échelle spectrograph. A cross grating is a periodic surface with two directions of periodicity. In this model the cross grating is used in high order in one direction and in first order in the orthogonal ("cross") ... Mehr lesen
Die Ersatzmodell-App Thermischer Aktuator zeigt, wie Sie die Berechnung für Multiphysik-Analysen mithilfe eines Ersatzmodells beschleunigen können. Ein Ersatzmodell ist ein einfacheres, in der Regel rechnerisch günstigeres Modell, das zur Annäherung an das Verhalten eines komplexeren und ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial simulates the turn-off transient (reverse recovery) of a simple PIN diode with an inductive load, loosely based on the book "Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices" by B. J. Baliga (p. 256, 2008 edition). Unlike the book, which assumes an initial constant current ramp ... Mehr lesen
When high-fidelity measurement microphones are calibrated, a pressure reciprocity calibration method is used. During calibration, two microphones are connected at each end of a closed cylindrical cavity. For the calibration procedure, it is important to understand the acoustic field ... Mehr lesen
This model illustrates the charge/discharge control of a Lithium-Ion battery in a Simulink® simulation. Mehr lesen
This model includes a dielectric slab waveguide with a small lossy metallic object nearby. The object causes light to be scattered, absorbed, and both reflected and transmitted along the waveguide. Learn more in this accompanying blog post: Modeling a Scatterer Near an Optical Waveguide Mehr lesen