Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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For an electrochemical reaction to occur, the reacting species usually needs to adsorb to the electrode surface before undergoing reduction or oxidation, after which the resulting product species desorbs back into the electrolyte. If the rate of adsorption or desorption is slow in ... Mehr lesen
A hinge between two mechanical components is modeled by coupling two rigid connectors. This method can be used for simulating many types of mechanisms. In mechanical assemblies, parts are sometimes connected so that they are free to move relative to each other in one or more degrees of ... Mehr lesen
An antenna balun blocks undesirable currents on the outside of a cable. A quarter-wave coaxial balun (1:1) is one of the easiest designs: it works as a transformer and makes the input impedance from the inner conductor to the outer conductor infinite. This model simulates an antenna ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial model of the Joule heating effect in a busbar demonstrates how to synchronize an assembly between the Solid Edge® software and the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, how to modify the geometry from COMSOL Multiphysics®, and how to run a geometric ... Mehr lesen
This model illustrates the modeling of temperature distribution in a simplified mixer. Mehr lesen
This example considers the thermal cracking of acetone, which is a key step in the production of acetic anhydride. The gas phase reaction takes place under nonisothermal conditions in a plug-flow reactor. As the cracking chemistry is endothermic, control over the temperature in the ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Modell ist ein Knowles-ED23146-Receiver (Miniaturlautsprecher) mit einem Testaufbau verbunden, der aus einem 50 mm (1 mm Durchmesser) Ohrpassstück und einem so genannten 0.4-cc-Koppler besteht. Der Empfänger wird mit einem Lumped-Spice-Netzwerk modelliert und am Röhreneingang ... Mehr lesen
1D model of a thermal energy storage (TES) system consisting of a packed bed of pellets. Three approaches for heat transfer in porous media are compared: A one-equation local thermal equilibrium (LTE) model A two-equations local thermal nonequilibrium (LTNE) model A multiscale ... Mehr lesen
Electroless deposition or plating is a non-galvanic plating method that does not require any external electrical power. This technique is typically used for electroless plating of nickel, silver, gold and copper. In electroless deposition, partial oxidation and reduction reactions ... Mehr lesen
Periodic microstructures are frequently found in composite materials, metallic foams, and sandwich structures. They can be described by a unit cell repeated along the three Cartesian directions. This app computes homogenized material properties of various periodic microstructures and ... Mehr lesen