Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This is a benchmark model for a plane stress problem. The accuracy of the computed stress concentration is evaluated, and a mesh convergence study is performed for different element types. Mehr lesen
When electrons are emitted from a heated cathode in a plane parallel vacuum diode, they contribute to the space charge density in the diode, which in turn affects the electric potential distribution. If the potential difference between the cathode and the anode is not sufficiently large, ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial model demonstrates how to set up a parameter estimation study for fitting the material parameters of an Ogden hyperelastic model to experimental data. The procedure considers multiple load cases under large deformations, which is often necessary to obtain constitutive ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Modell ist ein Knowles-ED23146-Receiver (Miniaturlautsprecher) mit einem Testaufbau verbunden, der aus einem 50 mm (1 mm Durchmesser) Ohrpassstück und einem so genannten 0.4-cc-Koppler besteht. Der Empfänger wird mit einem Lumped-Spice-Netzwerk modelliert und am Röhreneingang ... Mehr lesen
This model computes the transmission probability through an RF coupler using both the angular coefficient method available in the Free Molecular Flow interface and a Monte Carlo method using the Mathematical Particle Tracing interface. The computed transmission probability determined by ... Mehr lesen
An operational amplifier (op-amp) is a differential voltage amplifier with a wide range of applications in analog electronics. This tutorial models an op-amp connected to a feedback loop and a capacitive load. The op-amp is modeled as an equivalent linear subcircuit in the Electrical ... Mehr lesen
The shape of a log-periodic antenna resembles that of a Yagi-Uda antenna, but is composed of a coplanar array to achieve a wider bandwidth. It is also known as a wideband or frequency-independent antenna. All metallic parts are modeled using the perfect electric conductor (PEC) boundary ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial simulates the turn-off transient (reverse recovery) of a simple PIN diode with an inductive load, loosely based on the book "Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices" by B. J. Baliga (p. 256, 2008 edition). Unlike the book, which assumes an initial constant current ramp ... Mehr lesen
In this tutorial model, you will see how to set up an eigenfrequency analysis of a rotor with multiple disks and bearings. The example illustrates how to use Campbell and stability diagrams to identify the critical speeds and the stability threshold. The rotor is modeled using the Beam ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial compares experimental data from the literature with a COMSOL model of a MOSCAP with interface traps (surface states). The Trap-Assisted Surface Recombination feature is used to simulate the effects of the trap charges and the processes of carrier capturing and emitting by ... Mehr lesen