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At the macroscopic level, systems usually mix fluids using mechanical actuators or turbulent 3D flow. At the microscale level, however, neither of these approaches is practical or even possible. This model demonstrates the mixing of fluids using laminar-layered flow in a MEMS mixer. This ... Mehr lesen
This model is a benchmark model for the Slip Flow interface. It is based on both analytic and numeric calculations. Air at atmospheric pressure flows through a conducting micro-channel connecting two reservoirs maintained at different temperatures. A flow between the two reservoirs ... Mehr lesen
This model studies the dispersion of neutral species band through curved microchannel in an Electroosmotic flow (EOF) . Using Optimization module, geometric optimization is carried out to minimize the curve-induced dispersion.The central idea is to parametrically represent the geometry ... Mehr lesen
Ein 3D-Modell einer akustischen Falle in einer Glaskapillare mit einem Bias-Flow durch die Kapillare. Die Akustik wird durch ein oszillierendes elektrisches Potential über einen piezoelektrischen Wandler angeregt, das mechanische Schwingungen im Festkörper und ein akustisches Druckfeld ... Mehr lesen
A lab-on-a-chip platform can be realized on a rotating disc by designing channels and other features to use the Coriolis or centrifugal forces to manipulate the flow. These forces are controlled by changing the angular velocity of the disc, so the platform is programmed by using a ... Mehr lesen
The catenary is the geometrical shape that corresponds to the curve followed by an idealized chain or cable supported at both ends and hanging under its own weight. The viscous catenary problem describes the motion of a cylinder of highly viscous fluid, supported at its ends as it flows ... Mehr lesen
This example models a split-and-recombine mixer channel in which a tracer fluid is introduced and mixed by multilamination. Diffusion is removed from the model using an extremely low diffusion coefficient so that any numerical diffusion can be studied in the lamination interfaces. The ... Mehr lesen
Optoakustophorese ist ein Begriff, der das Zusammenspiel zwischen Akustik und optischen Feldern beschreibt. In den meisten Fällen (so auch in diesem) erwärmt das optische Feld das Material und beeinflusst somit das akustische Feld. In diesem Beispiel einer akustischen Falle wird eine ... Mehr lesen
Tesla microvalves exploit the non-linear nature of inertial flow to create anisotropic flow resistance. They can be used as robust valves owing to their passive working mechanism, but for many applications the diodicity is too low. Two-dimensional simulations and optimization over ... Mehr lesen
Many important processes in the mesoscale can be described by phase-field models. One of the oldest phase-field problems is the spinodal decomposition. Several standardized benchmark problems have been developed by the phase-field community. In this entry, these problems are solved using ... Mehr lesen