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This model shows how to analyze a tuning fork based piezoelectric rate gyroscope. The reverse piezoelectric effect is used to drive an in-plane tuning fork mode. This mode is coupled to an out of plane mode by the Coriolis force and the resulting out of plane motion is sensed by the ... Mehr lesen
Thermoelastic damping, which arises when you subject a material to cyclic stress, is an important factor when designing MEMS resonators. The stress brings about deformation, where materials heat under compressive stress and cool under tensile stress. Thus, due to the resulting heat flux, ... Mehr lesen
This model shows how to compute the S-parameter for a piezoelectric MEMS device by extending the tutorial Thin-Film BAW Composite Resonator. The measurement of S-parameter is commonly used to characterize such devices for RF applications. The terminal feature in the Electrostatics ... Mehr lesen
This model analyzes an RF MEMS switch consisting of a thin micromechanical bridge suspended over a dielectric layer. A DC voltage greater than the pull-in voltage is applied across the switch, causing the bridge to collapse onto the dielectric layer with a resulting increase in the ... Mehr lesen
This model analyzes the operation of a micromirror in air and the effects of thermoviscous damping on the vibration response. The model includes thermal losses in the structure as well as thermoviscous acoustic phenomena. The model couples the Thermoelasticity multiphysics interface to ... Mehr lesen
Piezoelectric valves are frequently employed in medical and laboratory applications due to their fast response times and quiet operation. Their energy efficient operation, also dissipates little heat, which is often important for these applications. This model shows how to model a ... Mehr lesen
This 2D axisymmetric model demonstrates the operation of a pyroelectric detector found in instruments for measuring laser energy. A disk of lithium niobate (LiNbO3) is sandwiched between two electrodes and connected to an external circuit. The disk is mounted on a ring-shaped ... Mehr lesen
This models pressure-dependent heating of 4 inch wafer on unipolar electrostatic chuck. Wafer sits on top of ring with electrostatic force holdong down wafer to counter upward pressure from gas flowing in gap between wafer and chuck surface. It is a problem involving 4 coupled physics ... Mehr lesen
MEMS scanning mirrors are a type of MEMS device that realizes optical path control by controlling mirror torsion through a microdriver. The torsion can be single axis or double axis. MEMS scanning mirrors are widely used in laser projection, laser radar, laser processing, and other ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Übungsbeispiel eines Stimmgabel-Gyroskops wurde freundlicherweise von Dr. James Ransley von Veryst Engineering, LLC, zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Modell zeigt die vollständig parametrisierte Geometrie, die umfassende Verwendung von Auswahlfunktionen, die Implementierung ... Mehr lesen