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Portal Cranes are common when handling heavy loads. In this example, the Beam interface is used to compute the stresses in a portal crane designed for lifting 15 tons. Three load cases are considered: self weight, payload, and thermal expansion on a hot summer day. An internal hinge ... Mehr lesen
The triaxial test is one of the most common tests used in laboratory soil testing. The soil sample is normally placed inside a rubber membrane and then compressed maintaining a radial pressure. In this model, a vertical displacement and a confinement pressure are applied on the sample ... Mehr lesen
Hydrodynamic bearings generate heat due to the viscous losses in the lubricant. As a result, the temperature of the rotor increases causing deformation and thermal stresses in both the rotor and the bearing housing. This example shows how to model different physical phenomena that are ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial simulates a standard test and benchmark model for nonreflecting conditions and sponge layers for linearized Euler-like systems. It involves the propagation of a transient Gaussian pulse in a 2D uniform flow. The Convected Wave Equation, Time Explicit interface solves the ... Mehr lesen
Trusses are commonly used to create light structures that can support heavy loads. When designing such a structure, it is important to ensure its safety. For a tower made of bars, buckling can cause the structure to collapse. This model shows how to compute the critical buckling load ... Mehr lesen
Sensitivity analysis is an efficient way of computing the gradient of an objective function with respect to many control variables. This example uses the pitch and yaw in the top of a truss tower as objective functions. It shows how to compute the sensitivity of these angles with respect ... Mehr lesen
The elastoacoustic effect is a change in the speed of elastic waves that propagate in a structure undergoing static elastic deformations. The effect is used in many ultrasonic techniques for nondestructive testing of prestressed states within structures. This example studies the ... Mehr lesen
Active magnetic bearings are often used for controlling the vibration level in mechanical systems. In this example, a motor driven rotor system in which the speed of the system is gradually increased is considered. The system vibrates due to existing imbalances. As the rotor speed ... Mehr lesen
This example reproduces a NAFEMS benchmark in which a plate with an angle crack is subjected to tensile loading. The J-integral is calculated and the stress intensity factors for Mode I and Mode II are compared to the benchmark results for several crack angles. Mehr lesen
In diesem Modell ist ein Knowles-ED23146-Receiver (Miniaturlautsprecher) mit einem Testaufbau verbunden, der aus einem 50 mm (1 mm Durchmesser) Ohrpassstück und einem so genannten 0.4-cc-Koppler besteht. Der Empfänger wird mit einem Lumped-Spice-Netzwerk modelliert und am Röhreneingang ... Mehr lesen