Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This app demonstrates the following: Using a Java® utility class for combining several waveforms and for playing sound Using tables for presenting results The app allows you to study the design of an organ pipe and then play the sound and pitch of the changed design. The pipe sound ... Mehr lesen
This small tutorial model shows how to set up a model with a solid mechanics and a pressure acoustics domain including a common perfectly matched layer (PML). The PML is used to model an open or infinite domain for both the elastic waves and the pressure waves. Three configurations of ... Mehr lesen
A thin-walled metal frame with a central cutout, modeled using the Shell interface, is subjected to twisting and bending. Around the cutout the stresses are higher than the yield stress, thus the material undergoes plastic deformation over the loading history. Mehr lesen
This example demonstrates the wrinkling phenomenon in a thin sheet stretched uniaxially. The modified membrane theory, which incorporates the wrinkling model, ensures noncompressive principal stresses in the wrinkled region. The analytical results are compared to the numerical results. Mehr lesen
This example shows the behavior of the coupled damage-plasticity material model for concrete when subjected to different loading conditions. Mehr lesen
In offshore applications, it is sometimes necessary to quickly seal a pipe as part of the prevention of a blowout. This example shows a simulation, in which a circular pipe is squeezed between two flat stiff indenters until it is almost flat. The model serves as an example of an analysis ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Tutorial werden die akustischen Eigenschaften eines Cerumenschutzes analysiert. Ein Cerumenschutz ist ein kleines perforiertes Netz, das zum Schutz des Hörers (des Miniaturlautsprechers in einem Hörgerät) bei Hörgeräten mit Receiver-in-the-Ear (RITE) oder Receiver-in-Canal ... Mehr lesen
Most metals and alloys undergo viscoplastic deformation at high temperatures. In case of cyclic loading, a constitutive law with both isotropic and kinematic hardening is necessary to describe effects such as ratcheting, cyclic softening/hardening, and stress relaxation. The Lemaitre ... Mehr lesen
In this conceptual example, the soft impact between two elastic rings is modeled using the Solid Mechanics interface. One of the rings is given an initial velocity to initiate the impact event. Both rings are unconstrained and not subjected to any external forces. Contact is modeled ... Mehr lesen
This example shows how to model prestressed bolts. The bolt geometry is taken from the Part Libraries. For comparison, one of the bolts is modeled using a thread contact formulation, whereas the other bolt is connected to the bolt hole by a pure continuity condition. The reduced ... Mehr lesen