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Ein Stent ist ein Rohr aus Drahtgeflecht, das zur Öffnung einer Koronararterie während einer Angioplastie verwendet wird, einem Verfahren zur Entfernung oder Kompression von Plaque. Sein Design ist für die perkutane transluminale Angioplastie mit Stents von Bedeutung. Bei diesem ... Mehr lesen
In this example, the homogenized elastic and viscoelastic properties of a particulate composite are computed based on the individual properties of elastic particles embedded in a viscoelastic matrix. Periodic boundary conditions are applied to a unit cell of the particulate composite ... Mehr lesen
Interfacial failure or delamination in a composite material can be simulated with a cohesive zone model (CZM). A key ingredient of a cohesive zone model is a traction-separation law that describes the softening in the cohesive zone near the delamination tip. This example shows the ... Mehr lesen
This model calculates the eigenfrequencies and mode shapes of an unconstrained cylinder in axisymmetry. The model is taken from NAFEMS Free Vibration Benchmarks. The eigenfrequencies are compared with the values given in the benchmark report. Three different physics interfaces are ... Mehr lesen
This example studies viscoplastic creep in solder joints under thermal loading using the Anand viscoplasticity model, which is suitable for large, isotropic, viscoplastic deformations in combination with small elastic deformations. The geometry includes two electronic components (chips) ... Mehr lesen
The S-N curve, also called the Wöhler curve, is one of the most popular methods for fatigue evaluation. The curve relates stress amplitude to the limiting fatigue life and can be obtained directly from a set of standard fatigue test. Many times our applications are subjected to ... Mehr lesen
In this example, a dynamic analysis of a three-cylinder reciprocating engine is performed to investigate stresses generated during operation, thereby permitting identification of the critical components. Demand for high power output relative to the weight of the engine requires careful ... Mehr lesen
Stents are used in biomedical applications to support the inner wall of veins and arteries. Self-expanding stents made of shape memory alloys work differently from balloon-inflated stents, as these stents are crimped to the artery diameter at low temperature then released while the blood ... Mehr lesen
Different types of elements can be used for modeling a rotor, depending on the level of complexity and the type of the system being modeled. The modeling steps and representation of the results will vary with the type of idealization. In this tutorial model, an eigenfrequency analysis is ... Mehr lesen
Delamination or the separation of layers is a common failure mode in laminated composite materials. Various factors, including loading, defects in the material, and environmental conditions can trigger the initiation and propagation of layer separation. This leads to degraded structural ... Mehr lesen