Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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In diesem Beispiel wird der Sprödbruch einer gelochten Platte mit einer Kerbe mithilfe eines Phasenfeld-Schadensmodells modelliert. Die Geometrie der Platte ist so eingestellt, dass ein Mischbruch induziert wird, wobei die Abmessungen und Materialeigenschaften aus experimentellen Daten ... Mehr lesen
Es wird eine Analyse der Böschungsstabilität durchgeführt und der Sicherheitsfaktor des Damms wird mithilfe der Shear-Strength-Reduction-Methode berechnet. Der Porendruck im Boden wird auf der Grundlage des Darcy-Gesetzes berechnet, und das Mohr-Coulomb-Konstitutivmodell wird zur ... Mehr lesen
This example models the behavior of soil during a tunnel excavation. The surface settlement and the width of the plastic region around the tunnel are important parameters needed to predict required reinforcements during the excavation. Two study steps are used. The first study computes ... Mehr lesen
Concrete structures almost always contain reinforcements in the shape of steel bars ("rebars"). In COMSOL, rebars can be modeled either individually by adding a Truss interface to the Solid interface used for the concrete or using the Fiber subfeature to model their global effect. In ... Mehr lesen
In this tutorial model, different methods for modeling brittle damage are compared in a simple model of a uniaxially loaded bar. The localization of the deformation during fracture is studied using different discretization orders and regularization methods. Mehr lesen
The External Material functionality makes it possible to program your own material models for cases when the built-in material models are not sufficient. For structural mechanics, you have the possibility to either completely define the material model in a domain, or to add an inelastic ... Mehr lesen
In this example, the transient response of a shallow foundation resting on an unsaturated soil stratum is investigated. The changes in pore suction due to water infiltration and evaporation are analyzed using the Extended Barcelona Basic soil model. The results show how the deformation ... Mehr lesen
In this example, two model for brittle damage are used to evaluate the fracture of a notched concrete beam subjected to three point bending. The results are compared with experimental data. Mehr lesen
In this example, triaxial and oedometer tests are simulated using the Modified Cam-Clay material model. A nonlinear stress-strain relation is recovered with the constant Poisson's ratio formulation. The hardening and softening behavior is recovered for normally consolidated and highly ... Mehr lesen
In this example, a settlement and heave analysis of a shallow foundation resting on an unsaturated soil stratum is conducted with the Modified Cam-Clay and Extended Barcelona Basic soil models. The effect of pore suction due to movements in the phreatic line and the resulting settlement ... Mehr lesen