Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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In diesem Benchmark-Modell für den Blutfluss in einer Zentrifugalpumpe werden Simulationen für verschiedene Flussraten und Pumpendrehzahlen durchgeführt. Die modellierte Geometrie stammt aus dem Computational Round Robin der FDA und die Ergebnisse stimmen gut mit den experimentellen ... Mehr lesen
Polymer-Hydrogele bestehen aus einem Netzwerk langkettiger Polymere, in das eine große Anzahl von Lösungsmittelmolekülen eingelagert ist. Solche Materialien werden in vielen biomedizinischen Anwendungen eingesetzt, zum Beispiel bei der gezielten Abgabe von Medikamenten, der Züchtung von ... Mehr lesen
The Marangoni effect results in a slip velocity in the tangential direction on a fluid/fluid interface due to gradients in the surface tension coefficient. When the surface tension coefficient is constant, a two-fluid system may exist in static equilibrium. This is because the surface ... Mehr lesen
Thermal management has become a critical aspect of today’s electronic systems, which often include many high-performance circuits that dissipate large amounts of heat. Many of these components require efficient cooling to prevent overheating. Some of these components, such as processors, ... Mehr lesen
This example reproduces parts of the study of Ref. 1 on the thermal contact resistance at the interface between a heat sink and an electronic package. Eight cooling fins equip the cylindrical heat sink and contact is made at the radial boundaries of the package. The efficiency of the ... Mehr lesen
This example models the transient heating, and final temperature, of a disc brake of a car in brake-and-release sequence. It is important to model the transient heating and the following convective cooling to determine the minimum interval between a series of similar brake engagements. ... Mehr lesen
This example illustrates multiphase flow modeling in an airlift loop reactor. The reactor is filled with water and air bubbles are injected at the bottom through two frits. Due to buoyancy, the bubbles rise, inducing a circulating motion of the liquid. The model specifically investigates ... Mehr lesen
This model illustrates how to implement a multiphysics contact. It models the thermal and electrical behavior of two contacting parts of a switch. The electrical current and the heat flow from one part to the other only through the contact surface. The contact switch device has a ... Mehr lesen
This model simulates arc welding of a titanium plate made from an alpha-beta titanium alloy. During a weld pass, the material experiences a thermal transient, including both heating and cooling. Phase transformations are modeled, and the evolution of the phase composition over time is ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial model solves the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in a backstep geometry using the Laminar Flow interface. A characteristic feature of fluid flow in geometries of this kind is the recirculation region that forms where the flow exits the narrow inlet region. The model ... Mehr lesen