Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This tutorial model demonstrates the use of the multiphysics coupling feature Thermal Connection, Layered Shell, Surfaces. In this model, one layered shell is connected to heat domains by a facing boundary. The results obtained with the Heat Transfer in Shells interface are compared with ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial model demonstrates the use of the multiphysics coupling feature Thermal Connection, Layered Shell, Surfaces. In this model, three layered shells are connected to heat domains by interior and exterior boundaries. The results obtained with the Heat Transfer in Shells ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial demonstrates how to use the temperature and relative humidity computed by the simulation of heat and moisture transport in an insulated roof as inputs for a mold prediction model. The VTT model for mold growth and decline prediction computes a mold index M by solving an ... Mehr lesen
Bei der Entwicklung von Sauerstoffmasken für die Atemunterstützung von Patienten mittels BiPAP und CPAP hilft die Multiphysik-Modellierung dabei, das Strömungsmuster im Inneren der Maske für ein bestimmtes Design zu visualisieren. Auf dieser Grundlage können Sie den Sauerstoffverbrauch, ... Mehr lesen
This model is used on "Heat Transfer with Radiation in Participating Media and the Discrete Ordinates Method" to compare quadrature sets used in the method of discrete ordinates. To assess the performance of quadrature sets in complex geometries, results of incident irradiation and ... Mehr lesen
A propeller is the propulsion device of a ship. This model studies the open water performance of the KP505 propeller[1]using the frozen rotor method with RANS turbulence model. Thrust and torque coefficient, and open water efficiency of the propeller at different advance coefficients ... Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates the use of the Heat and Moisture Flow features for the simulation of superheated steam drying of a wood particle. A nonequilibrium formulation is used to compute the transport of the liquid water and vapor phases in the wood particle. Reference: Le, K. H., ... Mehr lesen
The purpose of this model is to introduce the specular reflection in Surface-to-Surface Radiation using the ray-shooting algorithm. Different parameters are available to the user to yield better accuracy in the results when using the ray-shooting algorithm. The model is a standard ... Mehr lesen
This model performs a transient analysis of the temperature through a house wall. The wall is formed of different layers corresponding to the structure, insulation and plaster. On the exterior and the interior, the wall is exposed to thermal radiation and convective cooling. The results ... Mehr lesen
This case shows how to simulate moisture transport in a homogeneous wall under isothermal conditions. With this assumption, an analytical solution can be calculated. The homogeneous layer is initialized in moisture balance. At the beginning of the simulation, the relative humidity of ... Mehr lesen