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This example models the transient heating, and final temperature, of a disc brake of a car in brake-and-release sequence. It is important to model the transient heating and the following convective cooling to determine the minimum interval between a series of similar brake engagements. ... Mehr lesen
The backward facing step is an interesting case for studying the performance and solution strategy of a turbulence model. In this case, the flow is subjected to a sudden increase of cross-sectional area, resulting in a separation of flow starting at the point of expansion. Spatial ... Mehr lesen
This model solves the fluid flow and heat transfer in a micro heat exchanger made of stainless steel. These types of heat exchangers are found in lab-on-chip devices in biotechnology and micro reactors, for example for micro fuel cells. The model takes heat transferred through both ... Mehr lesen
Silicon carbide (SiC) epitaxial furnaces are a specialized equipment for the production and preparation of SiC epitaxial wafers. This example model demonstrates the process of preparing an SiC epitaxial wafer based on the physical vapor transport (PVT) method in a furnace. This involves ... Mehr lesen
This model describes the three heat transfer modes: conduction, convection, and radiation, combined with nonisothermal flow in a realistic geometry representing a light bulb and the surrounding air. The LED chips dissipate heat. The model computes the equilibrium temperature induced by ... Mehr lesen
These models use the Discrete Ordinates method (DOM) and P1 approximation to solve a 3D radiative transfer problem in an emitting, absorbing, and linear-anisotropic scattering finite cylindrical medium. Using the S6 quadrature of DOM leads to accurate results, which are needed in ... Mehr lesen
Thermal management has become a critical aspect of today’s electronic systems, which often include many high-performance circuits that dissipate large amounts of heat. Many of these components require efficient cooling to prevent overheating. Some of these components, such as processors, ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Benchmark-Modell für den Blutfluss in einer Zentrifugalpumpe werden Simulationen für verschiedene Flussraten und Pumpendrehzahlen durchgeführt. Die modellierte Geometrie stammt aus dem Computational Round Robin der FDA und die Ergebnisse stimmen gut mit den experimentellen ... Mehr lesen
Cyclones are used in a variety of applications ranging from the mining industry to vacuum cleaners. The flow in a cyclone is characterized by a very strong swirl, which makes it difficult to simulate. In this tutorial example, the v2-f turbulence model is used to simulate the flow in a ... Mehr lesen
This example shows the modeling of a resin transfer molding (RTM) process for a wind turbine blade using the Two-Phase Flow, Level Set, Brinkman Equations interface. Resin is injected into a preform consisting of different composites with different anisotropic permeabilities. Mehr lesen