Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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A model comparing the magnetization material models in time-dependent and frequency domain studies. Effective B-H curves are used for frequency domain. A linear relative permeability is included as reference. Mehr lesen
The modal dispersion in a metamaterial can be engineered by changing the type of material and dimension of the composing unit cells. For instance, a periodically organized subwavelength metal–dielectric layered metamaterial exhibits an anisotropic dispersion characteristic in the ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Tutorial demonstriert eine vollständige elektro-vibroakustische Analyse eines konzeptionellen elektrostatischen Lautsprechertreibers, der aus einer dünnen leitenden Kunststoffmembran besteht, die sich zwischen zwei perforierten Metallblechen, den Gittern oder Statoren, befindet. ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial simulates the turn-on transient (forward recovery) of a simple PIN diode, based on the book "Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices" by B. J. Baliga (p. 242, 2008 edition). The diode is current driven with a constant ramp rate of 1e9, 2e9 and 1e10 A/cm^2/sec and a ... Mehr lesen
This model solves the Boltzmann equation in two-term approximation for a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen representing a background gas of dry air. Electron transport coefficients and source terms are computed by suitable integration of the electron energy distribution function over ... Mehr lesen
Plasma discharges containing chlorine are commonly used to etch semiconductors and metals in microelectronics fabrication. This tutorial model studies chlorine plasma discharges using a global (volume-averaged) diffusion model. Global diffusion models can run simulations in a fraction ... Mehr lesen
When two coherent light beams intersect, an interference pattern appears. If this occurs in a material that is sensitive to light, with intensities greater than a certain exposure threshold, the interference pattern is recorded in the material as a modulation of the refractive index and ... Mehr lesen
These models demonstrate the usage of the user defined lumped port and lumped elements to introduce excitations and lumped circuit elements between volumetric conductors. Additional models show how to use impedance and transition boundary conditions to model the conductors, instead of ... Mehr lesen
The Superlattice Band Gap Tool model helps the design of periodic structures made of two alternating semiconductor materials (superlattices). The model uses the effective mass Schrödinger equation to estimate the electron and hole ground state energy levels in a given superlattice ... Mehr lesen
Solarkonzentrator-/ Cavity-Receiver-Systeme können dazu verwendet werden, die einfallende Sonnenstrahlung auf einen kleinen Bereich zu fokussieren und intensive Wärme zu erzeugen, die dann in elektrische oder chemische Energie umgewandelt werden kann. Eine gängige Kennzahl für ... Mehr lesen