Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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An evanescent mode cavity filter can be realized by adding a structure inside of the cavity. This structure changes the resonant frequency lower than the dominant mode of the unfilled cavity. A piezo actuator is used to control the size of a small air gap which provides the tunability of ... Mehr lesen
It is possible to realize a narrowband bandpass filter using cascaded microstrip coupled lines. In this example, a design composed of cascaded microstrip lines, each approximately a half wave length in size at the resonant frequency, is analyzed. The model is solved for the S-parameters ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial example shows how to set port features in a physics interface when designing a grounded coplanar waveguide (GCPW) circuit that is useful for mmWave applications. Mehr lesen
It is possible to shape the radiation pattern and steer the beam from an antenna array by controlling the relative phases and magnitudes of the input signal. This example shows how to design an active electronically scanned array (AESA) using arithmetic phase progression on each antenna ... Mehr lesen
This verification model uses the Electromagnetic Waves, Boundary Elements interface to simulate the RCS of perfectly conducting sphere. The simulated result is compared to analytical calculation to verify the accuracy. Mehr lesen
Planare photonische Wellenleiter aus Siliziumdioxid (SiO2) haben ein großes Potenzial für den Einsatz in Anwendungen des Wavelength Routing. Das größte Problem bei dieser Art von Wellenleitern ist die Doppelbrechung. Anisotrope Brechungsindizes führen zu einer Aufspaltung der Grundmoden ... Mehr lesen
An axisymmetric 3D structure such as a conical horn antenna can be simulated in a fast and efficient way using only its 2D layout. In this model, the antenna radiation and matching characteristics are computed very quickly with respect to the dominant TE mode from the given circular ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial shows how you can use the Electromechanics interface in COMSOL's MEMS Module to model Electrostriction. Electrostrictive materials (e.g. PMN-PT) exhibit nonlinear strain as a function of electric field. This 2D axisymmetry model uses a parametric sweep of voltage to ... Mehr lesen
This model simulates Gaussian to Laguerre Gaussian beam shaping with the Beam Envelopes interface, the unidirectional wave formulation. The input beam is a focusing Gaussian beam with a topological spiral phase. It is known that this phase mask converts a Gaussian beam to a donut ... Mehr lesen
Users of consumer electronics with radiating devices are exposed to radio frequency (RF) emission. The amount of exposure is defined as the specific absorption rate (SAR). That is, the SAR value represents the radio frequency (RF) energy rate absorbed by a body. This model computes local ... Mehr lesen