Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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In diesem Tutorial wird das Schwingungsverhalten einer kleinen Aluminiumplatte mit vier Wellenleiterstrukturen analysiert. Dies ist ein Beispiel für eine strukturelle Komponente, die sich in einem Gerät befindet, in dem sich elastische Wellen ausbreiten, wie zum Beispiel ein ... Mehr lesen
This introduction model creates a simple model of the magnetostatics problem with a wire of infinite length carrying current, which is commonly found in textbooks. Since there is an analytical solution to this problem, the model can be used to compare theory with numerical results from ... Mehr lesen
A cylindrical magnet falling through a copper tube induces eddy currents on the tube walls, which in turn, create a magnetic field that opposes the magnetic field of the magnet and induces a braking force that opposes the motion of the magnet. This model computes the velocity of the ... Mehr lesen
Permanent magnet bearings are used in turbomachinery, pumps, motors, generators, and flywheel energy storage systems, to mention a few application areas; contactless operation, low maintenance, and the ability to operate without lubrication are some key benefits compared to conventional ... Mehr lesen
Schottky Contact This benchmark simulates the behavior of an ideal Schottky barrier diode made of a tungsten contact deposited on a silicon wafer. The resulting J-V (current density vs. applied voltage) curve obtained from the model under forward bias is compared with experimental ... Mehr lesen
This model simulates a 16-level, first-order, focusing Fresnel lens with 50 µm diameter and 150 µm focal length. In one simulation, the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface computes the electric field in the Fresnel lens and the surrounding air domain extended to the focal ... Mehr lesen
The coaxial cable (coax) is one of the most ubiquitous transmission line structures. It is composed of a central circular conductor, surrounded by an annular dielectric, and shielded by an outer conductor. This model computes the electric and magnetic field distribution inside of the ... Mehr lesen
In this model, we show how to model Seebeck effect which works as a thermoelectric generator. Seebeck effect is a phenomena where the difference in temperature of a material leads to a potential difference. The potential drawn in this model was compared with the paper by Jaegle (Example ... Mehr lesen
Wave heated discharges may be very simple, where a plane wave is guided into a reactor using a waveguide, or very complicated as in the case with ECR (electron cyclotron resonance) reactors. In this example, a wave is launched into reactor and an Argon plasma is created. The wave is ... Mehr lesen
Developments in the last decade have made circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) the leading architecture for quantum computation. cQED is the solid-state version of cavity QED, which studies the basic light-matter interactions at the quantum level. This model examines one of the main ... Mehr lesen