Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This model demonstrates how to simulate a metasurface beam deflector that uses anomalous refraction. The structure itself is a repeated array of six posts (so-called meta elements). The periodicity of the individual posts is 500 nm, so the full structure of six posts is 3 um wide. The ... Mehr lesen
A vessel traveling on the surface or under water gives rise to detectable local disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field. These disturbances can be used to trigger weapon systems. The magnetic signature of a ship can be reduced by generating a counteracting magnetic field of suitable ... Mehr lesen
The demand for phased array antennas increases not only for the traditional military industry but also in commercial areas such 5G mobile network platforms, Internet of Things (IoT), and satellite communication applications. This example shows how to design a phased array with a beam ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial presents a study of positive and negative corona discharges in dry air at atmospheric pressure. The discharges are sustained within two electrodes in a coaxial configuration by a high voltage DC source applied to the inner electrode. Two different types of models are used: ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial model solves for a hydrogen plasma created in a microwave cavity. The model computes the fluid flow and gas heating self-consistently. Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates how to couple the Semiconductor interface to the Heat Transfer in Solids interface. A thermal analysis is performed on the existing bipolar transistor model in the case when the device is operated in the active-forward configuration. The Semiconductor interface ... Mehr lesen
The mutual inductance between a primary and secondary single turn coil in a concentric coplanar arrangement is computed using a DC, steady-state, model and compared against the analytic solution. The induced currents in the secondary coil are computed using an AC, frequency-domain, ... Mehr lesen
A classic benchmark problem in computational electromagnetics is to solve for the radar cross section (RCS) of a sphere in free space illuminated by a plane wave. This model solves for the RCS of a metallic sphere that has a very high conductivity, which can be treated as a material with ... Mehr lesen
AT cut quartz crystals are widely employed in a range of applications, from oscillators to microbalances. One of the important properties of the AT cut is that the resonant frequency of the crystal is temperature independent to first order. This is desirable in both mass sensing and ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Modell wird eine Modalanalyse durchgeführt, während die Länge eines Wellenleiters parametrisch von 0,5 um bis 4 um gesweept wird, um die Dispersionskurve für den anisotropen Kern abzuleiten. Sowohl transversale als auch longitudinale Anisotropie werden in zwei verschiedenen ... Mehr lesen