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This model solves Poisson's equation on a unit disk with a point source at the origin. The mesh density is higher close to the origin to resolve the singularity. The computed solution is compared to the analytical solution. Mehr lesen
In diesem Tutorial wird die Widerstandserwärmung (Joulesche Erwärmung) einer Stromschienen-Baugruppe analysiert, die dazu dient, einen Gleichstrom von einer Stromquelle zur Anode in einem Elektrolyseprozess zu leiten. Mehr lesen
The heat distribution in a hollow pipe, whose ends are held at two different temperatures, is studied. The outside surface is assumed to be thermally isolated and the inner surfaces have radiation boundary conditions. The role of convection in the heat transfer is taken to be ... Mehr lesen
This example resembles the well-known double-slit interference experiment often demonstrated in schools with water waves or sound. The model mimics the plane-wave excitation with two thin waveguides leading to slits in a screen and computes the diffraction pattern on the opposite side of ... Mehr lesen
Die Modellierung der elektrischen Aktivität im Herzgewebe ist ein wichtiger Schritt zum Verständnis der Muster von Kontraktionen und Dilatationen im Herzen. Das Herz erzeugt rhythmische elektrische Impulse, die die mechanischen Kontraktionen des Muskels auslösen. Bei einer Reihe von ... Mehr lesen
This example exemplifies how to model thermal ablation by taking into account material removal. A more detailed description of the phenomenon and the modeling process can be seen in the blog post "Modeling Thermal Ablation for Material Removal". Mehr lesen
This tutorial demonstrates how to partition a 3D part to create a swept mesh. The example explores different strategies for partitioning the geometry, and demonstrates how to combine hexahedral and tetrahedral meshes. Mehr lesen
This model simulates the pressure wave propagation in a muffler for a combustion engine. It uses a general approach for analysis of damping of the propagation of harmonic pressure waves. The model is solved in the frequency domain and provides efficient damping in a frequency range of ... Mehr lesen
The incompressible boundary layer on a flat plate in the absence of a pressure gradient is usually referred to as the Blasius boundary layer. The steady, laminar boundary layer developing downstream of the leading edge eventually becomes unstable to Tollmien-Schlichting waves and finally ... Mehr lesen
This example illustrates the principle of electrochemical polishing. The simplified 2D model geometry consists of two electrodes and an intermediate electrolyte domain The positive electrode has a protrusion, representing a surface defect. The purpose of the model is to examine how this ... Mehr lesen