Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This 3D model example demonstrates the use of the Primary Current Distribution interface for modeling current distributions in electrochemical cells. In primary current distribution, the potential losses due to electrode kinetics and mass transport are assumed to be negligible, and ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial models how the relative humidity of the inlet gases impacts the performance of a low-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane-electrode assembly. The model includes humidity-dependent ionomer (electrolyte) conductivities, gas phase mass transport and water ionomer ... Mehr lesen
This model uses the Reacting Flow multiphysics interface to simulate a methane steam reformer. The model accounts for the interactions between the chemical reactions, the transport of species, the fluid flow, and the heat transfer in a porous medium. Mehr lesen
In diesem Beispiel werden drei verschiedene Modelle für einen Lateral-Flow-Test zum Nachweis von Coronavirus-Antikörpern vorgestellt. Ein 3D-Modell untersucht mögliche Symmetrien bei der Ausbreitung der flüssigen Probe im Teststreifen. Das 3D-Modell zeigt, dass der Fluss im ... Mehr lesen
This application presents an example of pressure driven flow and electrophoresis in a 3D micro channel system. Researchers often use a device similar to the one in this model as an electrokinetic sample injector in biochips to obtain well-defined sample volumes of dissociated acids and ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial explores how pulse reverse plating can be used as an additive-free alternative to attenuate small protrusions during copper metal deposition. By matching the process parameters, including the length of the forward and reverse pulses (duty cycles), a bright mirror-like metal ... Mehr lesen
Lead-acid batteries are widely used as starting batteries for various traction applications such as cars and trucks and so forth. The reason for this is the fairly low cost in combination with the performance robustness for a broad range of operating conditions. However, one drawback of ... Mehr lesen
This example considers the thermal cracking of acetone, which is a key step in the production of acetic anhydride. The gas phase reaction takes place under nonisothermal conditions in a plug-flow reactor. As the cracking chemistry is endothermic, control over the temperature in the ... Mehr lesen
For an electrochemical reaction to occur, the reacting species usually needs to adsorb to the electrode surface before undergoing reduction or oxidation, after which the resulting product species desorbs back into the electrolyte. If the rate of adsorption or desorption is slow in ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial shows how to use the Optimization interface to perform electrode kinetics parameter estimations based on polarization data. A zero-dimensional electrode polarization model is defined that separates kinetics expressions for the metal dissolution and the oxygen reduction ... Mehr lesen