Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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Recovery of precious metals in recycling of electronics, or extraction from ore, is usually performed through leaching of the metal into an aqueous phase. Precious metals require the use of an oxidant, and often, a complexant. In the case of gold, the cyanide anion (CN-) forms a soluble ... Mehr lesen
This is a demonstration of how to use the thermodynamics functionality in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software to make flash calculations. A flash calculation is an equilibrium calculation of a system where several species and phases are present at the same time. The system in ... Mehr lesen
A deceptively simple system of two species and two reactions, describing the autocatalytic conversion of a substance, is shown to display a surprisingly exotic behavior. Starting from a 0D CSTR description, a 2D reaction-diffusion problem is formulated showing rich patterns stemming from ... Mehr lesen
Kinetic analysis of catalytic reactions is essential for understanding rate behavior as well as the reaction mechanism. Developing knowledge of intrinsic reaction kinetics and of rate equations is central to reaction engineering studies aimed at improving reactor design. This model ... Mehr lesen
This example applies the Electrophoretic Transport and Laminar Flow interfaces to model isoelectric separation in a free-flow electrophoresis device. A stream containing six different ionic species is shown to be divided into pure component streams by means of migrative transport in an ... Mehr lesen
Zone electrophoresis (ZE) is an electrophoretic separation technique typically used for analyzing proteins, nucleic acids, and biopolymers. During the process, different species in a sample are transported in a continuous electrolyte buffer system, subject to a potential gradient. Due to ... Mehr lesen
Crystallization is a key separation process in e.g. pharmaceuticals production. It is the process by which a chemical species is separated from solution by forming a crystal. To achieve the required product properties, control over the crystal particle size distribution is necessary. ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial example illustrates the versatility of the Reaction Engineering interface. The hydrogen iodine reaction is modeled in a batch reactor with constant volume. Both isothermal and non-isothermal conditions are modeled. Mehr lesen
Biotechnology is a rapidly growing area in the pharmaceutical sciences. One example of a clinical application is gene therapy, where it is possible to produce proteins in vivo, using the body’s own mechanisms for protein production. Major issues in gene delivery involve the transport of ... Mehr lesen
Bei der Bewertung der Wirksamkeit von Behandlungen für Augenkrankheiten können Modellierung und Simulation für die pharmakokinetische Analyse verwendet werden. Dazu wird die Medikamentenkonzentration und ihre Ausbreitung im Auge im Lauf der Zeit visualisiert. In diesem vereinfachten ... Mehr lesen