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In this model, a rotor with permanent magnets and a nonlinear magnetic material rotates within a stator of the same magnetic material. The generated voltage in windings around the stator is calculated as a function of time. COMSOL Multiphysics models the rotation with assemblies and ... Mehr lesen
Hochspannungsleitungen werden häufig zur Übertragung von elektrischem Strom über große Entfernungen verwendet. In diesem Tutorial werden Masten modelliert, die dreiphasigen Hochspannungswechselstrom übertragen, und das daraus resultierende elektrische Feld wird berechnet. Die Masten ... Mehr lesen
A Hall effect sensor is a semiconductive material with an anisotropic conductivity that is a function of the magnetic field. A magnet, mounted on a wheel, is rotated around nearby the sensor and the variation in the electric potential across the sensor is modeled. For complete ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Tutorial wird ein Permanentmagnetmotor mit 10 Rotorpolen und 12 Statornuten in 2D modelliert, um die Drehmomentwelligkeit über eine elektrische Periode zu erfassen und die volumetrische Verlustdichte im Rotor- und Statoreisen darzustellen. Mehr lesen
An AC contactor is a particular type of magnetic switch device, which is activated by a primary coil fed by an alternating current. Unlike DC switches, such devices can suffer from a tendency to reopen when the AC current crosses zero. The addition of a shading coil that supports ... Mehr lesen
Linearmotoren werden in vielen Anwendungen eingesetzt, die eine translatorische Bewegung benötigen. Typische Merkmale von Linearmotoren sind hohe Präzision oder schnelle Beschleunigung. Dieses Modell untersucht einen Synchronmotor mit Dreiphasenwicklung auf dem stationären Teil und ... Mehr lesen
The electrostatically tunable parallel plate capacitor in this example is a typical component in various MEMS devices for radio frequencies that range between 300 MHz and 300 GHz. You can modify the distance between the two plates, as the applied voltage changes, through a spring ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial is a benchmark model that reproduces the Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Method (TEAM) Problem 32, which evaluates numerical methods for the simulation of anisotropic magnetic hysteresis. A hysteretic three-limbed laminated iron core is subject to a time-varying magnetic ... Mehr lesen
Power inductors are a central part of many low-frequency power applications. They are, for example, used in the switched power supply for the motherboard and all other components in a computer. Computer simulations are necessary in the design of such inductors. This model calculates the ... Mehr lesen
The mutual inductance and induced currents between a single turn primary and twenty turn secondary coil in a concentric coplanar arrangement is computed using a frequency domain model. Each turn of the secondary coil is modeled explicitly. The results are compared against analytic ... Mehr lesen