Topology Optimization of a Loaded Knee Structure
Application ID: 4374
Imagine that you are designing a light-weight mountain bike frame that should fit in a box of a certain size and should weigh no more than 8 kg. Given that you know the loads on the bike, you can achieve this by distributing the available material while making sure that the stiffness of the frame is at a maximum. This way you have formulated the topology optimization of the frame as a material distribution problem.
This model demonstrates how you can apply the SIMP model (Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization) for structural topology optimization with COMSOL Multiphysics.
The particular model solves the problem of finding the optimal distribution of a given amount of material forming an L-shaped frame. The optimality criterion is a minimum compliance for the load case where the frame's upper boundary is fixed and a downward load is applied along its right end.
Dieses Beispiel veranschaulicht Anwendungen diesen Typs, die mit den folgenden Produkten erstellt wurden:
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