The Epitaxial Growth of SiC by the PVT method
Application ID: 107351
Silicon carbide (SiC) epitaxial furnaces are a specialized equipment for the production and preparation of SiC epitaxial wafers. This example model demonstrates the process of preparing an SiC epitaxial wafer based on the physical vapor transport (PVT) method in a furnace. This involves heating the SiC powder via an induction coil. As the powder reaches a specific temperature, it begins to sublimate. As the vaporized SiC rises to the top of the furnace, the temperature goes down, leading to the deposition of the SiC on the wafer surface, which is placed at the top of the furnace, with a layer of crystal seeds on the surface. This process involves complicated multiphysics phenomena, including electromagnetic heating, natural convection and surface-to-surface radiation in the furnace, mass transfer, sublimation, and deposition of the SiC vapor.
In the model, the deposition and sublimation rate are given by the imported experimental data. A BODE interface is used to calculate the thickness of the epitaxial layer. This model can be further extended to include the effects of the surface reaction on the wafer, the mass transfer of the SiC vapor in the powder, and the PID temperature control of the coils.

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