Reflow soldering in IC packaging
Application ID: 120151
Reflow soldering is an important process in IC packaging. In reflow soldering, the solder materials are melted to create joints between electrical components and the PCBs for structural and electrical connections.
This model demonstrates the process of attaching chips to a PCB by reflow soldering. The model is implemented using the “Activation” feature. Due to different thermal expansion coefficients of the materials, residual stresses remain in the final product. This leads to warpage of the PCB and stress concentration in the solder joints.
In this model, the temperature change is described by a user-defined function. For further extension, the heat transfer between the structure and the surroundings can be considered to obtain detailed temperature distribution and evolution. In addition, more complex constitutive models such as viscoplasticity models can be applied for the behavior of solder materials at high temperature.
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