Modeling Current Distribution in a 3D Lead-Acid Battery Grid Battery
Application ID: 71031
This 3D model example demonstrates the use of the Lead-Acid Battery interface for modeling current distribution in full cell employing a lead-acid battery chemistry. The lead acid battery chemistry uses PbO2 as the positive porous electrode and Pb as the negative porous electrode and H2SO4 as the electrolyte. In a traditional lead-acid electrode, the porous electrode is supported by a copper coated plastic grid with electrode material supported via grid. The copper coated grid also provides electronic conduction throughout the electrode. Analyzing the design of the grid can lead to increased performance and lifetime. Here we study the discharge of a full cell at 2C discharge current. The SOC and current distribution is studied in the porous matrix. The potential distribution in the copper coated plastic backbone is studied explicitly via using the Electrode, Shell interface.

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