Lithium-Ion Battery with Multiple Intercalating Electrode Materials
Application ID: 14133
Lithium-ion batteries can have multiple active materials in both the positive and negative electrodes. For example, the positive electrode can have a mix of active materials such as transition metal oxides, layered metal oxides, olivines etc. These materials can have different design properties (volume fraction, particle size), thermodynamic properties (open circuit voltage), transport properties (solid diffusivities) and kinetic properties (intercalation reaction rate constant).
In this work, an isothermal lithium-ion battery model is presented which considers two active materials in the positive and negative electrodes. The formulation uses the available 1D isothermal lithium-ion battery interface (for a single active material) and appropriately extends it to account for two active materials in both the electrodes. Results are shown which highlight the contribution of the individual active materials during discharge.
This work suggests that the lithium-ion battery interface can be modified such that the porous electrode node allows for addition of active material(s) prior to addition of reactions, thereby accounting for multiple active materials.

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