Fermentation in Beer Brewing

Application ID: 27281

An important step in brewing beer is the fermentation process. Here, alcohol is formed together with various flavor substances from sugars in the presence of yeast. The initial sugar content, temperature, and yeast type dictate how the fermentation proceeds.

In this example, the fermentation process is efficiently modeled using the Reaction Engineering interface, assuming that the reaction rate is neither mass- nor heat-transfer limited; that is, the system is perfectly mixed. The example reproduces results in Gee and Ramirez[1], and in Ramirez and Maciejowski[2].


D.A. Gee and W.F. Ramirez, “A Flavour Model for Beer Fermentation,” J. Inst. Brew., vol. 100, pp. 321–329, 1994.

W.F. Ramirez and J. Maciejowski, “Optimal Beer Fermentation,” J. Inst. Brew., vol. 113 (3), pp. 325–333, 2007.

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